ForumsNewsNew Mobile Website with Offline and Android Support

New Mobile Website with Offline and Android Support
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Posted: Sep 11, 2013
Score: 7 Reference
Where is the Android app? Shame on you Toodledo!

Posted: Sep 21, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
I apologise if this has been mentioned previously. It appears that the mobile site does not support reading the user's time zone correctly. It's 2 hours after midnight here, yet the mobile site still shows me yesterday's tasks as "Today" (they should be "Overdue"). And it shows me today's tasks as "Tomorrow", etc. When I visit the regular site, or the iOS apps, everything is correct there.

And yes, I've also just purchased the new Nexus 7 tablet, and I'd appreciate if a native Toodledo app for Android were available.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 21, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
This bug is on our to-do list and we plan to fix it.

Posted: Sep 24, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
I'm "pleased" (not really) to hear the on-going pleas for native android app although "actions speak louder than words" so I'm not hopeful. Of late, the mobile site simply will not open on my Chrome Beta browser / Note 2 device rendering it unusable. If the mobile site is supposed to ameliorate those pleading for a native android app, then it's not a working solution. I realize (or think that I know )that you're a relatively small shop competing against bigger sites with greater developer resources but I truly remain hopeful for a native android app in future. Please also help me redress issues with mobile browser. Scanning recent entries, it seems like a cache clear may help but again, I'd appreciate advice.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 24, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Yes, I would try clearing your cache, and please create a support ticket if this does not help so that we can look into your problem in more detail.

Posted: Sep 25, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
The mobile site still needs quite a bit of TLC. Nested subtasks don't work at all (it just hides them). Adding new tasks involves far too many screen loads, each of which takes too long. Should I go on?

Seems like work on it has been abandoned in favour of doing work on the "ooh, shiny" outlines and lists. It's simply not a viable alternative to an android app at the moment.

Posted: Sep 25, 2013
Score: 4 Reference
I would consider coming back to Toodledo if you released a native Android app. Tried a bunch of the apps available that sync with Toodledo but none of them quite matched my experience of using the Toodledo app on my iphone. Looking forward to the release (hopefully soon!).

Posted: Oct 28, 2013
Score: 3 Reference
It doesnt open on my mobile browser as well. I want to use and stick to toodledo, I really do. But what's the point of using a task list that I can't access when I am away from my laptop.

Posted: Nov 27, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
I found a solution for my problem with not having a native Android client. I didn't renew my subscription and left to Their webpage isn't as powerfull as Toodledo, but it's exactly what I need and they have a great Android app.

Posted: Nov 27, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Hartl:
I found a solution for my problem with not having a native Android client. I didn't renew my subscription and left to Their webpage isn't as powerfull as Toodledo, but it's exactly what I need and they have a great Android app.

Have you tried MyToodle yet?

Posted: Nov 27, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Salgud:
I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed that this is what you've been working on these last few months. It seems to me that there are a lot of features that people are clamoring for more than this. It's hard for me to imagine that you have that many customers who can't afford $5 or less for a mobile app, whether it's TD's or someone elses.

I agree with Salgud, and as TD support correctly points out the offline mobile site will never be as fast and feature rich as a 5$ app which is nothing for subcribers paying 30$ a year...

so why not just work on an android App to keep this group happy rather than supporting apps and offline web sites... I am a senior developer myself and can attest that the effort in developing and maintaining an offline website in javascript far outweighs an equivalent app. The advantage of course is that one mobile website will serve all groups, however the IPhone /Ipad group which is surely the largest already has an app which kills the mobile website in terms of functionality, speed ...

Also, +1 for the universal search request, with the new outline and list tabs which I use heavily and I am very happy with, I am sometimes finding it hard to find items.

This message was edited Nov 27, 2013.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 27, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
We are actively working on an Android app. Toodledo is very complex and it will take time to replicate everything in native Android. I know that this is overdue, but we are working as hard as we can to make it happen.

Posted: Nov 30, 2013
Score: 2 Reference
@Jake As soon as you have an Android app I'll switch back to Toodledo!!

Posted: Nov 30, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
If you're looking for beta testers, I would definitely be interested.

Posted: Dec 18, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
I found that the ultimate to do list android app is pretty good when the views are customized

I would love to see an app that comes from Toodledo directly

As to the person who recommended Todist - it's really simplistic, not at all robust, I didn't see it as being in the same league.

Posted: Dec 28, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
The mobile site stopped working for me in Chrome on Nexus 7. Very annoying. It says I'm offline, although I'm obviously not offline, because all other websites work as usual in Chrome at the same time, including Toodledo's regular site.

So what should we do in situations like these? I have emptied and rebuilt the cache several times, but still the same issue returns every time, so I can't edit my tasks at all on the mobile site.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 28, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
I will look into it.

Posted: Dec 29, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks, Jake. First of all, enjoy your Sunday, though. :)

The issue is browser-unrelated and device-unrelated: the same thing happens in the Opera browser on Nexus 7, too, as well as in any browser on my iPad. (Though I normally use the app there.) The error message Offline: Task edit queued until we are online. appears, even though I'm obviously online (and on regular on the very next browser tab.

Posted: Jan 02, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Mobile site working fine again, thank you.

Posted: Jan 04, 2014
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Jake:
We are actively working on an Android app. Toodledo is very complex and it will take time to replicate everything in native Android. I know that this is overdue, but we are working as hard as we can to make it happen.

This is great news. Can you give us an idea of when you expect it might be released? Any plans to ask for or accept beta testers?

I love the function, web site, but am considering TickTick/Wunderlist/Gtasks because of the lack of a native Toodledo Android app. If the ETA is soon I'll hold off.

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