ForumsNewsAndroid App Update v6.4.0

Android App Update v6.4.0
Author Message

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 17, 2017
Score: 0 Reference
Version 6.4.0 of our Android app is rolling on today and tomorrow. Here are the changes:

+ Adds Context and Tag filters to the show menu
+ Fixes a bug that caused the saved search menu to be blank for some people
+ Fixes some bugs with saved search, filters, external keyboards and timezones
+ Fixed copy/paste into task title
+ Keep the tray open to the section you are in
+ Allow syncing more than 1000 notebook entries
+ Fixed a bug with “Untitled task” appearing when it shouldn’t

If you don't see the update available now, it should become available in the next 24 hours.
Christoph Dollis

Posted: Mar 17, 2017
Score: 2 Reference

Speaking of the Android—and iOS—mobile apps [correction: the iOS app is correct; it's only the Android app that is not!], I have a feature request/bug report that would be super fast to fix.

I sort by folders primarily, so that's what my dividers are (as well as the meta-content). In the web app, this works as expected.

However, in the mobile apps, for no good reason that I can imagine, a CSS text-transform is performed to make everything ALL CAPS. I'd really like it if it was consistent across platforms and if my folder names/dividers could be in the same case I typed them in as. Clearly, I know how to type them in all caps if that's what I want!

That would be really nice and easy to implement.

However, progress on the Android app has been excellent and I've greatly appreciated it, Jake.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2017.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 17, 2017
Score: 0 Reference
I dont see this text transform. Can you please create a new forum topic and attach a screenshot?
Christoph Dollis

Posted: Mar 17, 2017
Score: 2 Reference
Sure, will do.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2017.

Posted: May 10, 2017
Score: 2 Reference
Guys, the alarm doesn't work most of the time - still. Sort by context also still doesn't work - it switches back to sort by due date after a while.
Will it ever get solved? Those are extremely important features to me - i definitely have to switch to something else very soon, if it doesn't change - sorry to say. (i have already used support tickets for both problems in the past)

This message was edited May 10, 2017.

Posted: May 30, 2017
Score: 1 Reference
Hi, I come from China. I cannot get the latest version from Google because of the Great Fire Wall. Could you please give a download link to me?

This message was edited May 30, 2017.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: May 31, 2017
Score: 0 Reference
Sorry, the Google Play store is the only place to get our app right now.

Posted: Jun 19, 2017
Score: 1 Reference
I started using the Android version on a Samsung Tablet that does not have a data plan. When I'm not in Wi-Fi (all of last week at the cottage) and launched Toodledo I received a message stating that I had to connect to a network.

I found this old item...

When you are online, go into the settings section and then into storage and make sure that you have offline storage enabled. Then it will cache any list that you have downloaded for offline viewing. For example, if you went into the "starred" list while online the "starred" list and all of its tasks would then be available when you were offline later.

Trouble is I can't find a "Storage" item in settings ... I assume it is for an old release?

Any suggestions?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jun 19, 2017
Score: 0 Reference
I think you may be referring to a different app that syncs with Toodledo, or perhaps a very old version of the Toodledo app. You don't need to do anything special for the Toodledo android app to work offline. It will just do it by default.

Posted: Jul 07, 2017
Score: 1 Reference
I use the Android app. Lists used to be accessible on the phone offline but not for the last couple of weeks at least - there's nothing in lists at all. Tasks, habits are fine.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jul 07, 2017
Score: 0 Reference
Can you please create a support ticket for this so that we can look into your account and see what the problem is?


Posted: Sep 26, 2017
Score: 1 Reference
Perhaps I'm missing something but I have version 6.5.4 (155) of the Toodledo app and I notice that the post at the top of the page says:

Version 6.4.0 of our Android app is rolling on today and tomorrow. Here are the changes:

+ Adds Context and Tag filters to the show menu

However there is nothing about Context or Tag filters in the Show menu. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 26, 2017
Score: 0 Reference
The post at the top of the page was made in March, so this is an old post. There have been several releases since then. If you dont see the context/tag filters it may be because you have those fields disabled in the settings section.

Posted: Dec 18, 2017
Score: 1 Reference
Couple of questions on the Android app.

1. Is there a way to disable background sync entirely? The iOS app allows me to only do manual syncs but I don't see that option on Android
2. Is there a way to force sync to only happen on WiFi?
3. Is there a way to force sync to only happen if connected to a power source and not run while on battery?

Reason I'm asking this question is ToodleDo is using a considerable amount of battery (i.e. around 23% even with sync every six hours) and I'd like to isolate why. In the past, I just disabled my account and stopped using the app, but I've got a new phone and I'd like to get ToodleDo to work on it without consuming tons of battery.


Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 19, 2017
Score: 0 Reference
The battery drain is probably caused because you have location alarms turned on, which requires the GPS which uses a lot of battery. You can turn this off in the app in the Notification Settings section.

To turn off automatic syncing as well, go into your Android Settings, then Accounts, then Toodledo. Then you can uncheck the checkbox that allows it to sync in the background.

Posted: Dec 20, 2017
Score: 1 Reference
Hi Jake,

I checked the notification settings and everything was disabled. I also turned off location access permissions.

Also disabled account sync in settings as you suggested.

Still seeing ToodleDo consuming 15% of the CPU (down from 22+%).

Posted: Dec 21, 2017
Score: 1 Reference
I re-enabled sync (every 6 hours) & I rebooted the phone...usage went down to about ~3% which is still higher than I think it should be (given the sync frequency...but it's a little better).

Posted: Dec 22, 2017
Score: 1 Reference

If I wanted to request that the Android app add these features:

• Sync only on Wifi
• Sync only when connected to power

Should that be done via a ticket or is a forum post sufficient?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Dec 27, 2017
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll add it to our list.
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