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Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Oct 23, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by MM1772:
Posted by Ummagumma:
I don’t care about task history (I use Onenote for this)

Can you give me a short description of how you use OneNote for that? Maybe it's something I could try for the tasks I actually save.

If you want to keep a record of every task, just use IFTTT. At least, it works with Apple Reminders, perhaps with Toodledo as well. You can use it to automatically create a new page for every new task, or a new page for every completed task, with subject, notes, due date and completion date.

I however don't really care to save every completed task. I track projects, tasks are just temporary tools used in executing them. If I need to save the completion date, I'd write it down in the project page. Otherwise, good riddance.

This message was edited Oct 23, 2018.

Posted: Oct 23, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
As a Gold user, $30/yr was enough for my needs. The new plans mean I'll be saying goodbye to Toodledo after all these years. I wish Toodledo the best of luck, but I think they will likely not cut into the business market over the bigger and more complete players like Microsoft and Google.

Posted: Oct 23, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
Aaron, thanks for listening to the forums, and trying to address some of the main issues. Here are my 2 cents on your latest announcement:

1) The one week retention of tasks on the Standard Plan does seem drastically short even for a user like me who rarely uses this feature, but it would still be helpful to be able to go back even 6 months on those rare occasions when I do need to check my history. Please consider increasing that. As a trade off, perhaps you differentiate Gold from Standard via some of the new features you have planned (e.g. the new customization features you mention), rather than this history limit.

2) Publishing the 6 month roadmap is a great idea, and I realize that puts a lot of pressure on you and your team. But the transparency is key and could be a great tool to help push people to upgrade their accounts, depending on what's on tap.

3) I am excited to see what you can roll out this quarter. If you can deliver on the items you mention, that would indeed be a great indicator of your commitment to making Toodledo a premium service, worth the premium prices.
Khalid J Hosein

Posted: Oct 23, 2018
Score: 5 Reference
I totally get price increases. That's just life and company survival. Reminds me of this excellent Masters of Scale podcast episode: How to price your product: . This thread has me thinking of 'pitchforks' ... listen to the podcast and you'll get the reference ;-)

What's going to be tough to handle though is that I'd be essentially paying almost 100% more for a plan that drops at least one of the features that I paid for in the first place. I'd need to go to the plan that's 3x (200% more) what I'm currently paying to retain those features. It would be a different story if the annual price was going from say $5 to $15, but $20 to $60 feels like a much bigger jump. I'll just have to ask myself if it's all worth the price.

One question: New pricing kicks in Jan 1, but what if you current Silver/Gold subscription runs past that date? What happens?

Jamie Marie

Posted: Oct 23, 2018
Score: 8 Reference
Because the initial pricing plans were so insane, they manage to make this look better - while still being complete balls. I'd be expected to nearly DOUBLE my current rate (Silver) only to LOSE the ability to add tasks by email, LOSE two-year task history down to one piddling week (WTF?), DECREASE limit on collaborators, and LOSE the scheduler feature. The first two are deal-breakers for me. The others are insult to injury. To actually keep all the features I'm paying for in the first place, I'd still have to TRIPLE my price.

If the Standard plan was a true mirror of the current Silver plan, I'd probably stick around (despite the concerns I now have about Toodledo's future) out of laziness, honestly. And I bet a lot of others would too. $36 compared to $20 doesn't break the bank. But to pay significantly more for FEWER features - features that are important to me - or the other option of paying a laughably high increase to keep what I already had - when there are competitors with better options ready and waiting... nope.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Khalid J Hosein:

...One question: New pricing kicks in Jan 1, but what if you current Silver/Gold subscription runs past that date? What happens?


Thanks for the question. If you have a subscription that runs past 1/1/19, these plan changes will not affect your current pricing schedule throughout the duration of your current subscription; you will keep your current plan until your next renewal date.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
@Aaron I understand the payment structure doesn't change while the current subscription lasts, but what about the features of the original subscription that was paid for?

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
I'm a gold subscriber. At the moment I can see first that you are doubling the cost and your plans are not so exciting to justify this increase of the cost. I agree to focus on task management but I already didn't use lists and outcomes.
What about the Notes? Are they part of the task management group?
My two cents

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 8 Reference
I'm observing all of this and here are my thoughts:

First they had anounced (notice that it happened not more than 10 days ago) that they will triple the price of Silver and double the price of the Gold plan. Users' reaction was easy to predict and many of them started to say goodbye.

Yesterday they introduced one more 'cheaper' tier, some individual users expressed opinions it's much better now. In fact it is still two times higher than old prices and lacks of some features (history, emailing tasks, etc.) which was commented by other users as well. I agree with those comments that it's still about paying significantly more for less features.

Is it really "listening to users" or maybe "reacting to stop users' resignations". Everyone will need to evaluate it for themselves.

In the same time, in the first post I read another set of promises of future features without actual real improvements introduced yet which literally does not change anything for me.

I also find it not cool that they closed some threads yesterday, where users have been sharing their opinions and concerns, the reason was "to consolidate discussion". Funniest thing here is that new owners don't involve themselves in discussion, they even don't respond to technical questions for example how to cancel subscription so is it really to "consolidate" or to cut some inconvenient threads - again, not me to evaluate this for others but I know what I'm thinking about such practices.

My subscription expires in February and that will be most likely the end of my journey with Toodledo. I'vd been using this service since years, was involved in beta tests and was active on this forum. But I don't like what is happenig here now and the new prices are to high. There is a chance I don't undestand something but as a long time loyal user I personally don't feel I deserved to be treated like this.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
The majority of existing paying users are likely prepaid to some time in the future.

Whether or not this new payment structure works will become obvious in the next six months or so - based on the current paying user retention and new paying user subscription rates.

I honestly have very little optimism - the service is too expensive now for most people that are not deeply entrenched into it already, and grossly overpriced compared to the industry leading competitor. And realizing all the wonderful interface and usability changes that have been promised in several months’ time is going to be quite a challenge.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by aaron.c.salls:
Posted by Khalid J Hosein:

...One question: New pricing kicks in Jan 1, but what if you current Silver/Gold subscription runs past that date? What happens?


Thanks for the question. If you have a subscription that runs past 1/1/19, these plan changes will not affect your current pricing schedule throughout the duration of your current subscription; you will keep your current plan until your next renewal date.

Then for a good while there will be at least 7 different functionalities between the users.

Surely for good experiences and easy management Gold/Silver folk should be moved to a new plan in the New Year and given a pro rata extension on this plan?

I suggest Silver are given a day pro rata on plus/pro and that Gold users are given a day and a half pro rata on plus/pro as a good will gesture until their current subscriptions expire.

This message was edited Oct 24, 2018.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by pawelkaleta:
I'm observing all of this and here are my thoughts:

exakt what i see...
if u want to use toodledo more then shopping lists, there is hardly a way arround the high level subscription; (history etc. )
and thats to much for what i get , when looking to other services.
overall the price diskussion ( ? changing between this and that ) from the owner side looks not that professional as i thougt it could be.
With that in mind, my worries about the lasting of the toodledo service looks to become real.

Please, i don´t want to offense someone, no native english speaking here.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
To be clear, I completely understand the lasting arguments about price against competitors etc. Good for everyone, I simply couldn't find a competing product with several features I like on Toodledo. And the price is not too high for me (I spent some time with Trello Gold + Butler for Trello = 16$/month. But I dropped it, not because of the price, but because of the features and visuals, because I was not that productive as in case of Toodledo).

Of course, should I be paying for 3+ services, I would consider otherwise - and that is why I prefer monthly subscirptions, as I tend to dynamically switch my services.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by frogboy:
Then for a good while there will be at least 7 different functionalities between the users.
Yup, that's interesting.
There's pricing and there's functionality. I suppose it's not too difficult to have the system keep track of both and adjust a user's access accordingly. Seems though that it would be simpler if there were just one free plan and three paid plans, with paying users continuing their current subscription with a new plan that has all of the features of their current plan. Then, when the subscription expires, the price will change to be the same as it is for new subscribers.

In any case, I thought that the one-week limit for the Standard Plan (at $36/year) was a mistake. It makes no sense to pay $60/year just to get task history longer than one week. But, Aaron has responded (after several comments about the one-week limit) and he didn't say anything about it.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
Thank you for the updates. I am fine with all of the proposed changes.

But one thing that seems to be sorely missing is any mention of SECURITY. I’d like to see encryption (industry-standard, not roll-your-own) of all our static data on your servers, with the option of user-managed encryption keys. Also, do you plan to have someone in place performing a CISO role?

Toodledo users have their whole lives loaded into Toodledo, and the risk of a data breach should be concerning enough from a business perspective to make security a Number One priority.

Looking forward to the upcoming enhancements.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
@dotparker: Look at this: (thx @Purveyor). Last updated is October 22, 2018. And yes, I find inadequate the sentence: "For example, we use encryption and password protection." More detailed information is welcome :-)

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
STANDARD is also missing ADD TASK VIA EMAIL. We need that. Thanks...

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Am I right in assuming that the absence of Lists, Outlines and Habits means that these features will be removed?

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by user50:
Am I right in assuming that the absence of Lists, Outlines and Habits means that these features will be removed?

Now, you are wrong. "-- Notes / Lists / Outlines / Habits: We are refocusing on the core of what makes Toodledo great: task management. We don't intend to be everything to everybody. So, we are hitting pause on developmenting these features. If you use these tools, you will still be able to use them in the Free and Premium plans."

Basically, you will be able to use it, but they will not develop it any further, at least for the nearest future.

Posted: Oct 24, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
That's good thanks, I haven't migrated by Habits yet so I didn't want it to disappear!
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