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Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Jan 16, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Have you switched to auto-renewal for yearly subscription, when this option got added?

Posted by Dubious Virtue:
Mine just rolled over onto gold at the old price.

Maybe they haven't flicked the switch left.

Gives me another year to get rich before the next price rise!

Posted: Jan 16, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Hi all,
I don't know if this is the forum where I can leave my dissapointment with iOS App. I've bought the app (I don't know if today is free but 6 moths ago I have to purchased) and I think there is'nt any other app in Apple App Store worse than this one: appearence and usability. I couldn't believe after installing it. So, how are you asking for 3€/month (suscription) if we have to use this app. Please, publish a decent update for this app and after we can talk about suscriptions. I'm sorry but is not serious to have an app in App Store or Play Store with this poor quality.

Posted: Jan 16, 2019
Score: 1 Reference

I wouldn't say the app is unusable, but still needs probably a complete rewrite.

Posted by paco.diez:
Hi all,
I don't know if this is the forum where I can leave my dissapointment with iOS App. I've bought the app (I don't know if today is free but 6 moths ago I have to purchased) and I think there is'nt any other app in Apple App Store worse than this one: appearence and usability. I couldn't believe after installing it. So, how are you asking for 3€/month (suscription) if we have to use this app. Please, publish a decent update for this app and after we can talk about suscriptions. I'm sorry but is not serious to have an app in App Store or Play Store with this poor quality.

This message was edited Jan 16, 2019.
Dubious Virtue

Posted: Jan 16, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by J-O-D:
Have you switched to auto-renewal for yearly subscription, when this option got added?

I was on auto renewal but I thought with the new pricing we all had to select a new tier.

Maybe I should just keep quiet before anyone notices!

Posted: Jan 17, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Or it is because without auto-renewal the yearly plan simply expires (if I am not mistaken, some weeks ago, the Renew button disappeared from non-auto-renewal yearly plans. However, good for you:-)

Posted by Dubious Virtue:
Posted by J-O-D:
Have you switched to auto-renewal for yearly subscription, when this option got added?

I was on auto renewal but I thought with the new pricing we all had to select a new tier.

Maybe I should just keep quiet before anyone notices!

Posted: Jan 17, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
I think you are one of their last remaining customers that hasn't left, so they probably just don't want to lose you too......

Posted by Dubious Virtue:
Posted by J-O-D:
Have you switched to auto-renewal for yearly subscription, when this option got added?

I was on auto renewal but I thought with the new pricing we all had to select a new tier.

Maybe I should just keep quiet before anyone notices!

Posted: Jan 17, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I just waiting to ticktick develop a proper toodledo import, I tried it and subtasks are lost.

Posted: Jan 20, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
How to disable auto-renewal??! I am really disappointed, I wrote the mail about my refund ( a few days after a new year). They, of course, didn't reply to my mail and now I see that my subscription renews On: Feb 3, 2019.

Posted: Jan 20, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
You really should go here:

Posted by pietrask:
How to disable auto-renewal??! I am really disappointed, I wrote the mail about my refund ( a few days after a new year). They, of course, didn't reply to my mail and now I see that my subscription renews On: Feb 3, 2019.

Posted: Jan 28, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
ugh. I have been Gold for ?? Years? 8? 10? Wow this sucks. I am not a business user, but I need emailed tasks, my whole workflow works this way.
At least I have til September to find something. I am so disappointed.

Posted: Jan 31, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Well I was originally totally against the price hike, particularly as I needed a full history, but credit where credit's due, it seems the new owners are settling on $4.99 per month for full history , email to task and full lists this I think is a reasonable price. Will definitely be renewing

Posted: Feb 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Just be aware that 4.99 $ is per month when billed annualy, when billed monthly, it is 5.99 $ per month. Actually, I am paying monthly, as I have the nasty habit to leave for another service from time to time and monthly payment gives me a more freedom in that. Grantly, I keepd coming back to Toodledo, as all other services failed me in one or other aspect.

EDIT: Also, with new subcription managment tool in place, I can freely switch from Plus to Standard and from Monthly to Yearly anytime (and I did:-) ).

Posted by Tracie2602:
Well I was originally totally against the price hike, particularly as I needed a full history, but credit where credit's due, it seems the new owners are settling on $4.99 per month for full history , email to task and full lists this I think is a reasonable price. Will definitely be renewing

This message was edited Feb 01, 2019.

Posted: Feb 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by paco.diez:
Hi all,
I don't know if this is the forum where I can leave my dissapointment with iOS App. I've bought the app (I don't know if today is free but 6 moths ago I have to purchased) and I think there is'nt any other app in Apple App Store worse than this one: appearence and usability. I couldn't believe after installing it. So, how are you asking for 3€/month (suscription) if we have to use this app. Please, publish a decent update for this app and after we can talk about suscriptions. I'm sorry but is not serious to have an app in App Store or Play Store with this poor quality.

I agree that the iOS app totally stinks; probably the worst app in the App Store. I have asked Aaron similarly on more than a few occasions. After being quite forthcoming earlier (around October last year), he has clammed up recently and refuses to respond to my queries. That’s why I am reluctant to cough up any money to subscribe. Seems like they are having more than a few operational issues.

Posted: Feb 01, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
As I understand it, the main problem is getting a developer (last post by Aaron on this matter mentioned the iOs developer has stepped back for some personal issues).

Posted by thiobk02:
Posted by paco.diez:
I agree that the iOS app totally stinks; probably the worst app in the App Store. I have asked Aaron similarly on more than a few occasions. After being quite forthcoming earlier (around October last year), he has clammed up recently and refuses to respond to my queries. That’s why I am reluctant to cough up any money to subscribe. Seems like they are having more than a few operational issues.

Posted: Feb 06, 2019
Score: 3 Reference
I am a gold plan user, and have been for really many years. Now, to keep the two features of emailing tasks, and having attachements, I will have to buy the Plus plan, eg doubling the price, for not any new features as far as I can see. That is too much for me. I can understand adjusting the prices yearly, thats sound business practice - but not doubling the price like this..

Also: I think that even though you move to more "business like" pricing, the service is not business like enough yet, and I fear this is bad for toodledoos business.

Well, if you do not adjust this price plan / modell, I will leave. Luckilly I still have about 90 days to move to another online task-manager.

I bid you farewell (if you do not adjust the price of the plus plan down quite abit, that is :-) ).

Anders H.

Posted: Feb 07, 2019
Score: -1 Reference
Just tested remember the Milk: - and it can import tasks from Toodledo, and the pro version is 40§ per year.

Posted: Feb 08, 2019
Score: 4 Reference
I guess I would consider myself a Toodledo power user as I interact with it all day long for business and personal purposes. Have been Gold for a number of years. Like anyone else I don't like to see costs go up but it is a fact of life and Toodledo is a business like any other. I don't imagine that the world of Toodledo users is a huge one (but obviously a passionate one :) so it must be difficult to try and juggle demands and requests for improvements, tweaking and entire overhauls of the program with the realities of a limited income stream. To maintain software and to keep it in development requires money and they have one 2 ways of increasing their revenue stream, increase fees for existing users or attract new users. You can only imagine how hard it must be to attract new users, it is a crazily crowded marketplace out there. Checked out the App Store lately? But then if they raise fees they risk losing users.
A tough tough situation.
For me the annual cost of a Plus subscription is worth it and more. I really don't like learning curves, especially for one that is so integral to my daily work life. I was a user of Polaris PackRat, anyone remember that one? But it went away and I had to search for a replacement and start all over again.
Toodledo works for me very well, I have embraced it's features and learned to live with it's limitations. Let's keep it going and do what we can to help, either by paying fees or spreading the word. Can you imagine what could happen if each one of us brought just one new subscriber to the group?
Anyway enough of a sermon, Live Long and Prosper Toodledo :)

Posted: Feb 10, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by fireworks:
Let's keep it going and do what we can to help, either by paying fees or spreading the word. Can you imagine what could happen if each one of us brought just one new subscriber to the group?
Anyway enough of a sermon, Live Long and Prosper Toodledo :)

Looking the roadmap and what has been done the latest month, I don't have the feeling that it will be worth the raise.

Android app is very bad compared to other offerings and it seems that there is no developers to improve it.

My feeling is that people will move away and Toodledo will languish
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