ForumsQuestionstracking subtasks, any progress?

tracking subtasks, any progress?
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Kordt Griepenkerl

Posted: Oct 02, 2014
Score: 0 Reference

I am reposting Brian Gockley's post from 18/02/2013, as Admin Jake answered there would be progress on this (I cannot quote, as the topic has been closed...).

Any update on this, or any more specific plans?

Best regards,

Posted: 18/02/2013 Thanks for voting Quote

A search in the discussions shows that this has been asked for several times before, and though many things have been improved and added to Toodledo since then, this one has not. So, I am asking once again.

In order to have the kind of collaboration where several people are working together on a task, but each doing a small part of it, those subtasks need to be assignable to different accounts, but visible to all.

E.g.: TASK: CREATE REPORT (In whomever's account, lets say Laura)
Subtask 1: Write it (Brian)
Subtask 2: get numbers (Mary)
Subtask 3: Make charts (Geoff)

As it stands now, even if you could have tasks and subtasks with different accounts, you cannot have both multiple workers, and be able to see the whole project, as assigning another account immediately disappears it off Laura's view. Ideally, it would go gray for Laura, but she would still see it listed.

Anyway, we are looking into whether to use this in a small office, but the disjointedness created by this siloing may make it unusable. We could all log in to the same account, but that is not very elegant. Fortunately, your record of upgrading and the excellent breadth of features and support make you a strong contender. We hope you can get around to a more real world application of collaboration to match your other strengths.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Oct 02, 2014
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.

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