ForumsQuestionsToodleDo and ChatGPT 4.0 Together

ToodleDo and ChatGPT 4.0 Together
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Posted: Jul 08, 2024
Score: 2 Reference
Today is July 8, 2024.

I have a paid account with OpenAI for ChatGPT 4.0 -- $20 per month.

I have been having sessions with the chat client (or chat bot) and am astounded at how "human" it seems.

During a very long session on a myriad of topics, I discovered that version 4.0 says that it can act as a personal assistant. I happened to mention ToodleDo, and the bot seemed to be quite an expert -- it seems like it has ingested all of the online ToodleDo documentation and probably the marketing materials. You can ask it questions and it answers like it is a support employee for ToodleDo.

I have more to ask it, but during the session, I concluded that I can download a comprehensive CSV file from ToodleDo to my local system, and then upload that file into my ChatGTP subscription, and the Chat Session becomes totally aware of everything I have in ToodleDo, I can ask questions and make requests. Like -- I can say "move the start date of all my high priority tasks from June 6 to June 11. Move all the negative priority tasks from July forward one month into the corresponding date in August." Then, I can download the edited CSV file from my OpenAI subscription into my local drive, and from there upload it and import it into ToodleDo where the new, modified file will be visible and usable.

Of course, I would save/backup ALL my ToodleDo data onto my local drive in both XML and CSV versions BEFORE making any changes, so that if anything went wrong I could restore it into my ToodleDo account.

The possibilities here seem fairly overwhelming.

Does anyone else have any information or experiences with ChatGPT and ToodleDo working together like this?

I will share (in this thread) anything new that I learn as I move forward here.

-- Kurt in San Diego (Lifetime TD user for 15 years or so).

This message was edited Jul 08, 2024.

Posted: Jul 09, 2024
Score: 2 Reference
I don't have any similar experience but this is very interesting - just saying thank you for sharing this, it is fairly revolutionary and looking forward to any updates.
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