for anyone who is interested, I have made a small autohotkey script which maps the arrow keys and shift arrows to navigate in the outlines... I could not get used to the j,k which I really don't find intuitive...
here it is, paste it into a file with the .ahk extension, download and install autohotkey (for free) and then double click on the script. Note that I also added the Page Down key in outline modes which I use a a substitute for space bar to toggle the outline. This allows me to navigate and open/close with the arrows and page down which is located in the same area. So you can navigate with one hand...
#IfWinActive Toodledo : Outline ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
Down::Send, j
Up::Send, k
+Down::Send, +j
+Up::Send, +k
+Right::Send, {Tab}
+Left::Send, +{Tab}
^Right::Send, {Tab}
^Left::Send, +{Tab}
PgDn::Send, {Space}