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Posted May 16, 2020 in: We’re Back
Score: 1
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: May 16, 2020
  • Score: 1
For perspective, here is the ZenKit ChangeLog. They have a great product already, but are constantly improving it.

Something as simple as this from Anant & Co would be simple and valuable.

No need to communicate directly with users, and no need for promises.

Just post updates, changes, improvements when you have them.

Additionally, keep the Roadmap and Feature Requests up to date.

Posted Apr 08, 2020 in: We’re Back
Score: 0
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Apr 08, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by jzamoras:
I'm waiting for zenkit todo add toddledo (or csv) import to jump ship. Tired of waiting... 10 yr paying user.

ZenKit already imports CSV. Not sure about their new ToDo, but the full ZenKit may be better anyway.

Posted Feb 12, 2020 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 1
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Feb 12, 2020
  • Score: 1
I finally pulled the plug and switched to ZenKit, which is totally open architecture to let you design it like you want. Unlimited fields, name them what you want, 7 or 8 different types of fields, Table view I use, but also Kanban based on field labels you create, Mind Map, Gantt if you have start and end dates, calendar, list, and more. You can name labels in label fields whatever you want, and select more than one label in a field for any To Do 'item'. Very intuitive to create and use. Easy importing via csv.

They are based in Germany and are extraordinarily responsive to questions and suggestions, in perfect English. Their product development is extremely robust, compared to apparently non-existent with TD. The only missing elements, they are working on, are Android multi-select like Ultimate To Do List has, and multi-level sort (like TD's 3 levels). But, multi-select is more robust on ZenKit than TD, so I just do it on the computer vs Android.

Date range selecting isn't quite as robust as TD, but that's easy enough to work around for now.

ZenKit has been around less than 5 years, and is already a great application that will only get better.

I reached out to Anant again a week ago at his ToodleDo email address, with no response. He may not even be there any more.

Posted Feb 12, 2020 in: Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
Score: 1
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Feb 12, 2020
  • Score: 1
I finally pulled the plug and switched to ZenKit, which is totally open architecture to let you design it like you want. Unlimited fields, name them what you want, 7 or 8 different types of fields, Table view I use, but also Kanban based on field labels you create, Mind Map, Gantt if you have start and end dates, calendar, list, and more. You can name labels in label fields whatever you want, and select more than one label in a field for any To Do 'item'. Very intuitive to create and use. Easy importing via csv.

They are based in Germany and are extraordinarily responsive to questions and suggestions, in perfect English. Their product development is extremely robust, compared to apparently non-existent with TD. The only missing elements, they are working on, are Android multi-select like Ultimate To Do List has, and multi-level sort (like TD's 3 levels). But, multi-select is more robust on ZenKit than TD, so I just do it on the computer vs Android.

Date range selecting isn't quite as robust as TD, but that's easy enough to work around for now.

ZenKit has been around less than 5 years, and is already a great application that will only get better.

I reached out to Anant again a week ago at his ToodleDo email address, with no response. He may not even be there any more.

Posted Feb 04, 2020 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 0
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Feb 04, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by oletros:
Posted by c5000nc:
I've been in touch with Anant via email in the last few days, and he said they are working on rolling out a big update. He said once it is done, he will post an update in the forums. He said it is taking a lot of time (my guess is far more than expected) to prepare test cases, and then check each and every functionality of Toodledo, for every test case. It sounds very laborious. I'll take deliberate, thorough and slow over rushed any day, if the end result is a better product.

As Anant told me several months ago, they got stuck because the 7 year old code-base had just been patched up over the years. They are spending their time preparing a stable update before implementing new features. Like I said before, it sounds like it's taking far longer than expected to clean up what his predecessors should have done before he was hired.

I for one am still appreciative of Anant, who is actually working to improve ToodleDo every day, even if it's taking far longer than expected, and even though he does a poor job of keeping us updated.

Though I still create backup csv and xml files regularly (which I would do with RTM and others too), I'm sticking with ToodleDo at least a few more years, because nothing else suits my needs as well, and because someone is trying to stabilize and improve it. Albeit very slowly.

Two months later, no news

We have to admit it, Toodledo is dead and it is just working because the ones that still have not cancelled the subscription but when the number of subscripters reaches a minimun, it will be shut down

<sigh> So sad. I'm still using ToodleDo, and will for the foreseeable future. But I've been testing ZenKit, that is totally open architecture, and offers vastly more layout choices and design flexibility than TD ever can.

They are also incredibly responsive to suggestions and feedback.

The only two reasons I haven't totally switched is
1. no multi-task select on Android yet (like the great Ultimate To Do List allows), and
2. no multi-level sort on the Table view (just one level now).

I could reluctantly live without multi-level sort, but really rely on multi-task selection on a mobile device. But my sense is ZenKit will add those things before ToodleDo announces much of anything. So for now, I continue using ToodleDo with daily CSV backups. But maybe not much longer...

Posted Dec 05, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 0
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Dec 05, 2019
  • Score: 0
I told him he just needed to tell everyone what he told me. Not sure why he isn't.

He pretty much said mobile app development is stopped until the core system is fixed. But it is actively being fixed.

Posted Dec 05, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 1
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Dec 05, 2019
  • Score: 1
I would agree about mobile app development being dead for now, until he finishes cleaning up what should have been cleaned up 5 years ago. I use Android and love Ultimate To Do List for it, so that is not an issue for me.

I would guess 1,000s of tests are involved to run a long list of test cases run through every functionality of TD, given how feature-rich it is. But the end result, even if a year or two after when we think it should be done, will result in a far more stable product that will probably be much easier to improve.

I'm sure it is taking drastically longer to do it right than anyone would have thought earlier this year. Maybe that's why the previous owner bolted so unexpectedly. It turned out to require countless hours of grunt work. To Anant's credit, he stuck around, and is doing the laborious grunt work others before him should have done.

Posted Dec 03, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 2
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Dec 03, 2019
  • Score: 2
I've been in touch with Anant via email in the last few days, and he said they are working on rolling out a big update. He said once it is done, he will post an update in the forums. He said it is taking a lot of time (my guess is far more than expected) to prepare test cases, and then check each and every functionality of Toodledo, for every test case. It sounds very laborious. I'll take deliberate, thorough and slow over rushed any day, if the end result is a better product.

As Anant told me several months ago, they got stuck because the 7 year old code-base had just been patched up over the years. They are spending their time preparing a stable update before implementing new features. Like I said before, it sounds like it's taking far longer than expected to clean up what his predecessors should have done before he was hired.

I for one am still appreciative of Anant, who is actually working to improve ToodleDo every day, even if it's taking far longer than expected, and even though he does a poor job of keeping us updated.

Though I still create backup csv and xml files regularly (which I would do with RTM and others too), I'm sticking with ToodleDo at least a few more years, because nothing else suits my needs as well, and because someone is trying to stabilize and improve it. Albeit very slowly.

Posted Nov 02, 2019 in: Priorities sorting broken
Score: 1
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Nov 02, 2019
  • Score: 1
You need to sort by Priority and then by Star, and then by whatever you want.

Specifically, sort first by by hi to lo Priority, then second by Star. For Star, click the right (up) arrow, to have Star'd items show at the top of their Priority grouping.

I just did that for one of my Saved Searches, and it worked exactly as you describe you want.

ToodleDo has enormous flexibility for things like this.

Posted Oct 25, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: -2
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Oct 25, 2019
  • Score: -2
This post has been hidden because of negative votes. Click to reveal

Posted Oct 25, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 1
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Oct 25, 2019
  • Score: 1
Posted by Duo:
Posted by c5000nc:
I've had several emails back and forth with Anant. While he does a poor job of keeping us up to date, he seems pretty dedicated to cleaning up old code before moving on to improvements.

Here's what Anant wrote me earlier this week, partly in response to me asking what others speculated about, namely, merging into RTM.........

"There won't be any merger [with RTM], as Toodledo has a lot more features than RTM or any other tasks management app. We got stuck because of the 7 year old code-base, which has just been patched up over the years. We are working on updating that and releasing a stable release first, before implementing new features."

It sounds like it's taking longer than he thought, to clean up what his predecessors should have done before he was hired.

I for one am just glad Anant's actually doing it every day, even if he doesn't tell us much about the specifics.

He would have known this was an issue well over a year ago. In fact it would have been very clear from talking to Jake during the handover.

I think it is pretty clear that the site is nothing but spaghetti code to anyone using it who has appropriate IT knowledge. So to someone like Anant who has appropriate IT knowledge, access to the back-end, the source code, the original developer plus any documentation that exists, I hardly think it would come as a surprise.

No idea if it was a surprise. I just know he's diligently working to fix what should have been fixed a year or more ago. I'm just glad he cares enough to stick around and do that.

Posted Oct 25, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 2
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Oct 25, 2019
  • Score: 2
I've had several emails back and forth with Anant. While he does a poor job of keeping us up to date, he seems pretty dedicated to cleaning up old code before moving on to improvements.

Here's what Anant wrote me earlier this week, partly in response to me asking what others speculated about, namely, merging into RTM.........

"There won't be any merger [with RTM], as Toodledo has a lot more features than RTM or any other tasks management app. We got stuck because of the 7 year old code-base, which has just been patched up over the years. We are working on updating that and releasing a stable release first, before implementing new features."

It sounds like it's taking longer than he thought, to clean up what his predecessors should have done before he was hired.

I for one am just glad Anant's actually doing it every day, even if he doesn't tell us much about the specifics.

This message was edited Oct 25, 2019.

Posted Oct 18, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 3
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Oct 18, 2019
  • Score: 3
I vastly prefer ToodleDo to RTM.

In my mind, if RTM is quite a bit bigger, a merger probably would be bad. RTM would just be paying for ToodleDo's customers and forcing us to use a product we'd already be using if it was indeed better than ToodleDo.

We should encourage investment and renewals in ToodleDo, not helping people find ways to avoid a paltry renewal fee.

We should also encourage Anant to keep plugging away. He is chipping away at things we can't see. Most things in life take at least twice as long as we think they will, including this.

Plus, Anant deserves a lot of credit for not running away when the guy who made grand promises suddenly did. That would have been the easy way out, and he didn't take it.

I've had some email correspondence with Anant, and I think he wants to make it work as bad as we want him to. It just takes time, but I think it will be worth it. And worst case, if there is suddenly no more ToodleDo, I will be prepared to go to RTM or My Life Organized, with daily CSV and XML backups I hope to never need.

Until then, it's business as usual with ToodleDo. It can be better, but I think it already is better in many ways than competitors.

Posted Oct 10, 2019 in: Toodledo iPhone App Beta Testers
Score: 2
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Oct 10, 2019
  • Score: 2
Posted by geoffrey.mcdonough:
Guys - the neglect of the iPhone app is unacceptable... feels like the platform as a whole is lacking investment and energy. Lots of overpromising and underdelivering. Looking into switching away from Toodledo unless I am misreading this, which I would be delighted to discover.

This is what Anant said on 9/18/19:

From last one month we were working on finding new contractors who can help us in fixing open bugs and releasing new app updates. We were able to find 2 new contractors who joined the team starting this month. It took time to get everything setup on dev and guide them through the code.

In last Forum Post, I promised that I will share the task list on what we are going to do next. We are planning those things out and I will share it once that's ready. Our priority is to make the web version stable and free from bugs and then release the new iOS and Android Apps.


Posted Sep 14, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 2
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Sep 14, 2019
  • Score: 2
Posted by Ob-La-Di+ruben:
Posted by c5000nc:

Thanks Hayden. I also emailed Anant directly with similar thoughts.

Hopefully you heard something back from Anant.

Nothing yet. Sorry...

Posted Sep 14, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 1
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Sep 14, 2019
  • Score: 1
Posted by Hayden L:
Long time user of Toodledo here. I have tried a dozen applications but there really is no alternative to Toodledo. The customization and the simplicity makes it easy for me to manage literally everything in my life. These are some of the core advantages when compared to Toodledo's competitors and why I hope Toodledo will continue to exist in the future. There is a very loyal customer base here - please listen to us - we want Toodledo to succeed as much as you do. Communication is key to any good relationship and the lack of it is making all us fearful that the end of the road is near, so please keep us in the loop and be honest with us - c5000nc brilliant post! fully agree.

Thanks Hayden. I also emailed Anant directly with similar thoughts.

Posted Sep 11, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 2
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Sep 11, 2019
  • Score: 2
I've been backing up the XML and CSV files daily, just in case. I hope I never need them.

Posted Sep 09, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 9
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Sep 09, 2019
  • Score: 9
I for one appreciate that Anant didn't quit like everyone else. So thank you for that Anant! You obviously have some good qualities others don't.

Having said that, there are several items that could help keep us as clients and feel good about telling others about ToodleDo:

1. We need you to update us regularly 100% of the time without fail, a fundamental of any business. It doesn't matter the format and to a lesser degree, the frequency. For example, if you say you will update us monthly on the Blog starting in October like we had until May, then give us whatever you have on the first day of each month, starting on October 1, without fail. Failing to do what you publicly said you would do inevitably makes us think you are failing in many other ways too. Please prove us wrong, because continuing to do that will drive us away in droves.

2. Either formally put Feature Requests on hold until other issues are dealt with (fixing old code, etc.), or at least update us on it.

3. Many of us have critical information for our businesses and personal lives on ToodleDo, and want some assurance it is safe, backed up, etc. Part of that assurance is that ToodleDo has enough financial resources to pay the server bills, etc. We need plenty of notice to back up, move to another platform, etc., if that were to not be the case. We hope it won't be, because most of us want to stay on the ToodleDo platform.

4. Maybe there's a financial backer among ToodleDo users. Maybe a user with deep pockets can help you take it to the next level. ToodleDo is worth saving, given most of us struggle to find an alternative that works for us as well as ToodleDo.

This is pretty simple stuff. We've obviously been patient with the ToodleDo information near-blackout, but the personal and business information we have on ToodleDo is too important to our lives to tolerate that much longer.

A long time user.

This message was edited Sep 09, 2019.

Posted Sep 08, 2019 in: Toodledo Update August 2019
Score: 4
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Sep 08, 2019
  • Score: 4
I think those may be spam to email that gets sent oto ToodleDo, maybe by your settings. I get those periodically. I don't think they are caused by ToodleDo and seem harmless if you don't click on the link in the email. I just delete them on ToodleDo and email.

Score: 0
  • c5000nc
  • Posted: Mar 04, 2019
  • Score: 0
It's not working for me either. It doesn't work on Explorer either.

This message was edited Mar 04, 2019.
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