
Search results for "Posted by tajmari"
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Score: 0
  • tajmari
  • Posted: Oct 01, 2017
  • Score: 0
The guides aren't available anymore. Could you please post them again? thank you!

Score: -1
  • tajmari
  • Posted: May 20, 2012
  • Score: -1
Posted by Toodledo:
In order to know if a folder is shared, we have to check if you have sharing enabled, which includes checking for private collaboration, rss feeds enabled, iCal links enabled, and in the future perhaps other things. Its much easier to check if a folder is private and mark it as such.

Everything is private by default, even if you don't use private folders. Private folders are only needed when you have chosen to share all of your tasks with someone. It enables you to hide a few folders. It is not necessary to mark any of your folders private if you are not using our sharing tools.

Thanks for the advice. I made all my folders except two private when I tried out sharing with my daughter and her dad. I will "un-private" them to remove the annoying diamonds. I'm grateful for improvements to TD. However, the reasoning that it is easier for the developers to place diamonds next to folders marked private tells me that they probably need to step back and think like users rather than developers.

I agree with the other posters who would rather have a visual indicator for folders that are shared than the ones that are private -- Most people probably only share a few folders and assume that the rest are private. Marking the "super private" folders causes confusion. What difference is there between "super private" and "private"? There shouldn't be any effective difference. No one but me should be able to see my folders if I haven't shared them.

This message was edited May 20, 2012.

Posted Sep 01, 2011 in: Traps that can be avoided
Score: 0
  • tajmari
  • Posted: Sep 01, 2011
  • Score: 0
Great post, great suggestions! I'm a Toodledo newbie, but I've already reduced my number of contexts, stopped creating ridiculous, guilt-inducing deadlines, switched to using status as my "time factor," and I'm using the tags .W and .P to delineate work and personal.

In my job, I have a major project due quarterly. This is pretty much my entire job, but not quite. I am the manager of this project. I have just started using folders named as the quarters (i.e., Fall 2011, Winter 2012, etc.) to manage all the stuff that goes with getting these projects done. I have monthly meetings with my board to discuss various aspects of these projects. I also set up folders for those meetings (i.e. MTG 10/11, MTG 11/15, etc.).

The point of this is so that I can ARCHIVE the entire folder once the project is done!!!! I like to more-or-less forget about the projects and never have the items associated with them come up again, once they are complete. I was using contexts for the projects, but it became apparent that my contexts list was going to become cumbersome very quickly.

I am sending relevant emails to the appropriate folders with the appropriate status so that I don't forget to do something important for a particular project and so that I don't forget an important item I'm supposed to discuss at my board meeting.

Might work. Won't hurt to try.
