
Search results for "Posted by Estoril"
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Posted Jan 09, 2023 in: Planned maintenance
Score: 2
  • Estoril
  • Posted: Jan 09, 2023
  • Score: 2
I'm getting a blank screen where my tasks should be and then a 504 gateway timeout, this is very frustrating, is there a estimate on time to fix?

Posted Jun 07, 2011 in: iOS 5
Score: 0
  • Estoril
  • Posted: Jun 07, 2011
  • Score: 0
As iOS 5 is in the news right now I was wondering if there are plans to integrate Toodledo with the new Tasks feature in iOS 5?

I really love Toodledo for both the iPhone app and the brower but it would be good to have the iPhone app work with the browser......

Score: 1
  • Estoril
  • Posted: Jun 11, 2009
  • Score: 1
Don't worry, I'm going to stick with you as yours is the best task list there is!

The main point is that you got it all back up and running, and probably more important than that, that you actually care!


This message was edited Jun 11, 2009.