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Posted Sep 27, 2015 in: Todoist vs Toodledo -- Why I'm back.
Score: 1
Posted by coolexplorer:

Andreas, A personal request to you: As you use Toodledo in your work-flow, kindly continue to review the two (Toodledo vs Todoist) for some time so that Toodledo users, as well as the designer gains objective clarity on the relative features (both strengths and weaknesses) from a real user of both apps.

well, here are my observations from getting all my existing tasks from Todoist over to Toodledo (basically a full weekend working for hours on this):

- I'd prefer if daily tasks on TD would not show up every day on my calendar feed in google calendar, only on the current day (today)

- projects or sub-sub tasks would be useful. This is just based on my workflow and how I've handled projects in the last years. I know there are workarounds and I'm trying to get used to them. Todoist allows several levels of sub-tasks (sub-sub-sub-tasks...). I have projects that sometimes last for years and a tasks can have several sub- and sub-sub-tasks.

- I find the outlines and lists to be redundant or maybe I'm not fully understanding them yet. For me, an outline can be a list as well.

- It would be nice to somehow transfer an outline to a set of tasks (would be great for brainstorming), that being said, I have been using Workflowy for outlines and lists for years now.

- The Karma feature at todoist actually helped my motivation. I found it challenging to daily increase my karma-level by working on my tasks.

- I'd like to define a fixed set of tags to have them always available - tab to the "tags" field and choose them from a drop-down list. Right now, if a tag has no task, it is deleted.

- entering tasks with "#" for tags and "@" for context would be nice and would save me time (instead of navigating through the fields)

- I'm not sure I like the way attachments are handled. Looks like I manually have to clean them up every now and then? I understand that there are limitations in regards of storage space.

- I'd like to have a dedicated place for tasks templates so they don't clutter up my task list

This message was edited Sep 27, 2015.

Posted Sep 26, 2015 in: Todoist vs Toodledo -- Why I'm back.
Score: 0
Hi there,

I just moved to Toodledo from Todoist (I was a long-time and dedicated user). The last update of Todoist bascially broke the whole workflow for many users. They made the big mistake to focus more on design and "showing-off" than on functionality. I looked and tested more than 10 days extensively for another Todo app and I'm happy that Toodledo meets almost all of my requirements.
