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Posted Jul 18, 2020 in: Toodledo export file corrupted
Score: 0
I also made the move from Toodledo to RTM. It is a bit getting used to, but okay. In the backup-file there are uncompleted tasks, but RTM should recognize them. So you import all the tasks, and when it is done the active tasks should be in the tab 'Incomplete' and the old completed tasks should be in the tab 'Completed'.

I have noticed some active tasks shown up in BOTH tabs. Those were repeating tasks, but all active tasks were at the proper place.
There were some others that would not show up properly in certain views. Most of the times it was because the Due Date was not filled when it was a repeating task (they were relatively new). So I corrected those and then they would show up properly.

Maybe it would have to be faster to enter the tasks by hand, since I reviewed all of them to clean up a bit. But it works for now.

Another option would be to export the Active Tasks as CSV, load them up in Excel and copy-paste into New tasks in RTM.