
Search results for "Posted by jitsu-net"
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Posted Jan 27, 2017 in: Implementing Reviews
Score: 1
I really love Toodledo, but there are some things missing from my previous system: OmniFocus. One of these is the integrated review element for each project. Here is how you can achieve a task review system in Toodledo:

Start by creating several tags:
<li>Review: d1</li>
<li>Review: d2</li>
<li>Review: d3</li>
<li>Review: d4</li>
<li>Review: d5</li>
<li>Review: d6</li>
<li>Review: w1</li>
<li>Review: w2</li>
<li>Review: w3</li>
<li>Review: m1</li>
<li>Review: m2</li>
<li>Review: m3</li>
<li>Review: m6</li>

These correspond to how often you'd like to review tasks ("d2" means "every 2 days", w is week, and m is month). I use "d2" instead of the more natural "2d" so that I can have the day intervals sorted next to each other.

Next, create 2 saved searches. The first is setup like so:
<li>Match all criteria</li>
<li>Checked Off: no</li>
<li>Tag doesn't contain Review:</li>
Save this search as "Needs Review Tag" or "Missing Review Tag" or something like that. Now you have a way to easily see which tasks are NOT in your review subsystem.

The second search is far more verbose. You'll have to change the criteria match to: any. Then, for each Review: tag, you'll need to create a section with 3 and-ed split rules. Each should have the criteria similar to the following:
<li>Checked Off: no</li>
<li>Tag contains Review:m1</li>
<li>Date Modified wasn't in the last 30 days</li>

Save this search as "Needs Review" or something. Now you should be able to quickly see which tasks need a review based on which tag you selected.

I hope this is useful to someone. Please let me know if I can clarify anything in this post or if you have any improvements!

Posted May 21, 2015 in: Improvements to Tags
Score: 0
Is there any reference where we can see the limit for the other fields (folders, goals, etc.)? I have been experimenting with folders, and have hit an apparent limitation on the character length.