Search results for "Posted by fahad"
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fahad |
Hi David
Is it possible to get in touch with you directly? I've got a business proposal for you. |
fahad |
Developer of 2Do ( here. It's a bit odd that developers that bring business to Toodledo (for free!) aren't able to create a support ticket without first paying for a subscription. I'm considering removing support for Toodledo for several reasons, and this is going be on that list of reasons near the top. Very annoyed how things have drastically taken a nosedive over time. Any way - my complaint is around token limits. Our users frequently sync (supposedly manually - or when the phone is in the background) and so they frequently run into Token generation limits from Toodledo. It's embarrassing for us and Toodledo given they're paying Toodledo separately, and they've paid for our app to be able to sign into Toodledo. Please increase these limits in general - they seem to be too low. Regards Fahad This message was edited Jan 08, 2020. |
fahad |
Posted May 18, 2011 in: Improved examples in Documentation please
Score: 0
I should add: the problem with the new duedate is that if you send it a GMT unix timestamp (such as for 27th May 2011 12:00 noon) it always shows the due date in toodledo as:
27th May at 11:23 pm I dont know where it's getting that '11:23 pm' from. I am assuming this has something to do with timezone/DST or something else to do with server time offset during the conversion from supplied date to server date/time. This is why we need concrete examples on how Toodledo expects us to send the values for duedate and duetime. Duetime is also a little confusing. If due date is set it needs a date attached to the timestamp in GMT. But how does the server deal with DST? In my knowledge it's not as simple to convert 'local' time to a unix 'GMT' timestamp where DST is involved unless we know very clearly what the server is going to do with the timestamp. Please kindly elaborate on this with some examples so we're able to do the conversion for toodledo correctly. Many thanks. |
fahad |
Thanks Toodledo - since this warranted a 'new topic' we've posted some more findings of inconsistencies we've found between the APIs here: |
fahad |
Posted May 18, 2011 in: Improved examples in Documentation please
Score: 0
Thanks for the recent updates to the documentation - we've actually have been able to solve many problems looking at the new examples you posted. Many thanks. One more request please (especially for 'old timers' using API 1.0). Many things and fields have changed in API 2.0. Another example is that of 'duedate'. This used to be a timestamp of the format '2011-01-01' and this worked in API 1.0. Passing this now sets the date to 1970 Jan 01 in Toodledo. Looking at the docuemntation it seems to say it takes in a 'unix timestamp' but then the link posted in the next line ( says it can take in any string like 'tomorrow', 'today' etc but this isn't the case. Can you please kindly add 'examples' of values against each fields which isn't that obvious or you believe it's input requirements have changed since API 1.0. We've been experimenting with different values until we find something that works which seems a bit counter productive. Many thanks again for the updated docs. |
fahad |
I for example don't remember what other characters we've encountered in the recent past but I think the safest way to actually remove all other invalid utf-8 characters would be achieved by the following in PHP:
$str = iconv("UTF-8","UTF-8//IGNORE",$str); This ensures all invalid UTF-8 characters are removed. Characters you've mentioned did indeed give us headache a year ago but I recall this was indeed fixed. There are still times when we've heard from users that 'sync' isn't working and it usually turns out to be some weird UTF-8 character that forms a malformed XML output. Other than that the following list shows 'valid' characters and a range of characters to avoid: Thanks This message was edited May 17, 2011. |
fahad |
Posted May 17, 2011 in: How to POST for 'adding tasks'?
Score: 1
Ah! Thanks, will give that a go.
I should mention the documentation still should then make clear that the paramters passed via POST need to use '&' and not ';'. We've been trying to POST this: key=XYZ;tasks=... which always returned a 'Invalid key' or 'key not found' error. The example too uses ';' as the separator between parameters but I guess for developers like me that take example word for word it should perhaps spell out the stuff the API is actually going to accept. I think the code you just posted would serve way more than the actual URL that's on the page at the moment as it conveys a completely different thing (or is it really just me?). Many thanks! |
fahad |
Oh and thanks for enabling POST on all API calls. This is great because porting from API 1 (which did support both) it was initially confusing why some calls were working and some weren't.
fahad |
Many thanks for the the writeup! That is most certainly helpful, really.
If at all this is possible: it would be nice to get a more human friendly error back from the server in case it wasn't able to parse parsed JSON/XML/Text etc etc since 'No Title' wasn't very helpful initially. I realize the error 'No Title' was because it wasn't able to parse any text and thus wasn't able to find any 'task' inside passed parameter. If however the server is able to generate a 'invalid encoding found' error of some sort, it would help us debug the problem (it would be even better if it actually told us what characters it wasn't able to parse - much like the ASP/PHP engines that give you precise parsing error messages). But having said that, the additional documentation is much welcomed. Thanks. |
fahad |
Yes this has been happening for over two years and has been reported before.
Toodledo please fix! +1 |
fahad |
Posted May 16, 2011 in: How to POST for 'adding tasks'?
Score: 1
The documentation isn't clear what bit to 'POST' and what bit to pass as a URL parameter. By looking at the example of adding a task I see:; tasks=[{"title"%3A"My Task"}%2C{"title"%3A"Another"%2C"star"%3A"1"%2C"ref"%3A"98765"}]; fields=folder,star Does this mean that the URL to call would be:; And then we POST the following bit to it? tasks=[{"title"%3A"My Task"}%2C{"title"%3A"Another"%2C"star"%3A"1"%2C"ref"%3A"98765"}]; fields=folder,star This looks like a 'mix' of POST variables and URL variables. If I try this I always get a 'No Title' error. If I however pass the 'key' bit as part of the POST string I simply got 'Invalid Key' or something. Please kindly explain what part to post and what to pass as a paramater. If I send everything as part of the URL it works but that isn't what I want as there's too much text under 'notes' to pass. |
fahad |
Turns out you have to return a lower cased string back to the server. The example doesn't show this and the documentation doesn't mention this. More woes to our experience with poor documentation.
fahad |
Benjamin I think this is partly the documentation's fault and not yours. The documentation is not clear at all in many places and I've raised my voice elsewhere. It should follow some sort of consistent documentation format whereas it does not.
Many places the examples use a particular 'field' but that field is not explained anywhere. For example "total" in <tasks total=""> is not explained anywhere. API 1.0's documentation was more clear what it did which has now changed in 2.0 and the same rules don't apply anymore. |
fahad |
Take no offense but the online API documentation is very very poor. Many things are completely unclear and many times the wordings are incomplete or misleading. In some areas the older API documentation was better. One good example is that "POST" and "GET" calls. It should be made very clear which methods the new API supports with POST and which are supported only by a GET. In the past I've been able to make "POST" calls for all API 1.0 stuff and it worked. However only 'add' and 'edit' for tasks work with POST now. Another example is that of 'escaping characters'. Toodledo supports its own URL escaping mechanism and in several places it says one thing and then accepts another in reality. Please make it clear with good examples what the server does and does not accept. For example the following string in 'notes' seems to through a 'No Title' error eventhough there's a title but the server apparently was not able to parse it: [{"note"%3A"""%2C"star"%3A"0"%2C"priority"%3A"3"%2C"title"%3A"Adding+a+new+Task%2C+Project+or+C hecklist"%2C"folder"%3A"6355836"%2C"reminder"%3A"0"%2C"tag"%3A""%2C"parent"%3A"196097420"%2C"repeatf rom"%3A"0"%2C"duetime"%3A""%2C"repeat"%3A""%2C"duedate"%3A"0000-00-00"%2C"completed"%3A"0"}] The problem is that with '&qout;'. I dont know what to escape " with. I tried %22, &qout; and " but each of these throw the same error. Many other places the API asks for spaces to be encoded as + but spaces in fact are %20. It seems it supports part one encoding and part another. There's no consistency at all. Please help! |
fahad |
I'm having the same problem. I've even compared the signature and it's generated exactly as your online form generates however I'm continuously getting this no matter what I do.
fahad |
Posted Mar 05, 2010 in: Get occassional URL Too Long errors
Score: 0
This message was edited Mar 05, 2010. |
fahad |
Posted Mar 04, 2010 in: Get occassional URL Too Long errors
Score: 0
I am using GET to edit/add tasks to Toodledo and ensure titles and notes are trimmed to not exceed the limit before making the calls. Notes have also been limited to 4096 characters but even when there isn't a lot of data to submit, I see occasional 'URL Too Long' errors from Toodledo. Anything else I should be doing to avoid this? Thanks! |
fahad |
Posted Mar 04, 2010 in: A way to get 'undeleted' active tasks/folders?
Score: 0
Thanks - finally ended up doing that and it's super fast now. cheers.
fahad |
Posted Mar 01, 2010 in: A way to get 'undeleted' active tasks/folders?
Score: 0
Is there a way to return only tasks that are active (not-deleted)? A call to getTasks unfortunately returns everything over the last several years (which is not what we want during the first sync) so takes ages to sync. Can we not request for "whatever is 'active'" so we don't get 3000 tasks and only the 130 that are active? Thanks! |
fahad |
A number of times we have received mal-formed XML files from Toodledo on a getTasks call. It seems the XML has some strange characters (like a backspace character or a del character or something else that chokes browsers/parsers etc). Could Toodledo not validate the file before sending it to us and perhaps remove offending characters from these XML documents? It's a nightmare to debug each time someone complains they can no longer sync with toodledo. Thanks |