
Search results for "Posted by bfindlay123"
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Score: 0
Hi - not sure if this is the appropriate forum, but don't see how to start a 'new thread' so I am posting in an existing one. Trying to use GTD I need to have the ability to do 'sub folders' and/or sub-subtasks. Ie a 'projects' folder, and then various 'projects' within it, and then various tasks/subtasks within that. As it is now, I can only have the one level of folders, and the two levels of tasks - insufficient to truly organize this stuff - it becomes a hodgepodge of various things at one level - not necessarily related.

Score: 0
Geez - just goes to prove that ASKING the right question sort of answers itself. I realized that the tasks WERE being gathered - which is reflected in the accurate application badge. I checked filters, and selected 'inline' and voila it popped up!!

Problem solved.

Score: 0
I have some subtasks starred on the iphone. The application correctly shows the number of starred items in the application badge, but when I open the 'Starred' folder, it is not there.

I have 'flattened' the tasks at, and synced again, but they are still not displayed. I need these to be displayed under the star menu, as that is my 'action' list. It is frustrating to know that I HAVE tasks to do, but I have to manually hunt around and drlll down to them, rather than having them gathered in the starred folder as they should be!

Major problem for me!!

Suggestions? bug? 'feature' request???