
Search results for "Posted by Christoph Dollis"
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Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
In the iOS app, below the task title, it's possible to have how a tasks repeat be among the meta information. It's also possible to see this in the Grid view of either the new or old layout on the web app.

Can this be an option for below-task-title metainfo in the Android app when one goes to Settings > Meta information?
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
Makes sense. When Toodledo updates, the apps that sync with it must adapt to Toodledo's continuing development.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
Thank you.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
Hi Jake,

Following up on your request to post this as a standalone topic with screenshots. When I sort by folder name, the dividers in the Android app are all transformed to UPPER CASE; however, in the Web app (new layout and old), the case is correct, in the iOS app it is correct, and even in the Android app meta data (but now dividers) it is correct. Screenshots:

1. Web app, lower case folder name (this is done correctly in both the old and new layouts)

2. Android app, UPPER CASE folder name

3. iOS app (my apologies for misinfo: the divider case is correct here, as it it in the Web app!)

So it's only the Android app that's the odd man out. It would be great if this could be fixed to keep continuity between the platforms and also because the dividers are a big part of how great and useful Toodledo is, since it helps visually, mentally, organizationally, etc. Plus hopefully it's a quick fix. My apologies for saying it is wrong in the iOS app. I was mistaken; it's just the wrong case the Android app!

This message was edited Mar 17, 2017.
Christoph Dollis

Posted Mar 17, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.4.0
Score: 2
Sure, will do.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2017.
Christoph Dollis

Posted Mar 17, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.4.0
Score: 2

Speaking of the Android—and iOS—mobile apps [correction: the iOS app is correct; it's only the Android app that is not!], I have a feature request/bug report that would be super fast to fix.

I sort by folders primarily, so that's what my dividers are (as well as the meta-content). In the web app, this works as expected.

However, in the mobile apps, for no good reason that I can imagine, a CSS text-transform is performed to make everything ALL CAPS. I'd really like it if it was consistent across platforms and if my folder names/dividers could be in the same case I typed them in as. Clearly, I know how to type them in all caps if that's what I want!

That would be really nice and easy to implement.

However, progress on the Android app has been excellent and I've greatly appreciated it, Jake.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2017.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
"It's okay. I'm still left wanting to try out the Importance–Urgency matrix without crazy workarounds."

One helpful thing for this, which I've asked Toodledo about in the past and they say it's on their list, but they don't comment on time frames, etc., etc., is to add a flag in addition to the already present star. The flag would work the exact same as the star so all the coding work, essentially, has been done.

Then you can let star/unstarred be important/unimportant and flag/unflagged be urgent/not urgent.

This, plus a bit of sorting, should work well. Would really be an easy feature addition, and of course if you don't want it, you don't have to use the flag.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 1
For the Beta/New Layout, I agree with the go slow before going live approach, considering you already have a perfectly functional product with a user base.

It would be different if you were launching.
Christoph Dollis

Posted Feb 08, 2017 in: Toodledo 2016 - The Year in Review
Score: 1
Posted by oletros:
Why don't you change your way, acknowledgethat the Android app is very bad and redesign it first.

How is the Android app "very bad", out of curiosity? I use it all the time. Looks nice, seems to work. Saved Searches on it are killer, if you set them up right.

I wish it refreshed a bit more often and seamlessly like, say, with AJAX. But aside from automatic refresh frequency, it seems a powerful app at this time, taking advantage of Toodledo's features including its powerful sorting.

However, I'm genuinely curious about your input.
Christoph Dollis

Posted Feb 08, 2017 in: Toodledo 2016 - The Year in Review
Score: 0
Posted by oletros:
Sorry the read this, it seems that Android is always very low in the priority list.

I switched to Android from iOS, and was not happy that the Android app didn't have the same features. However, my experience is that the new features have been fast coming and now with Saved Searches, the Android app is very usable to me. YMMV, of course, but I was in your boat and am now happy with the Android app and the fast development of it.

Of course, I may be biased. I pointed out a bug (in Saved Searches) and Toodledo fixed it.
Christoph Dollis

Posted Jan 30, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.0.2
Score: 0
Posted by coolexplorer:
Posted by Christoph Dollis:

Is it an Android version thing? Mine works well on 5 and 6.

I am using android 4.4.2.
Under the Saved Search button it is showing ALL my Tasks. i.e. the drop-down menu does not work.

Test it on an Android 5 or 6 device, such as a friend's, to rule Android version compability out?
Christoph Dollis

Posted Jan 27, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.0.2
Score: 0
Posted by coolexplorer:
Posted by ykphuahmy:
"What happens when you click on the triangle? Do you see a list of saved searches? Or they are all blank?"

Chris : Triangle (downward arrow) doesn't work. Nothing happens (despite me having 10 to 15 Custom Saved Searches on TD Web, and they work fine).

Is it an Android version thing? Mine works well on 5 and 6.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
Salgud, I think it will be OK to switch over now.

What happened, I'm sure, is that I meant to do a multi-edit on all my old tasks to change the start date, but had accidentally clicked the delete switch first. Then I unclicked the delete switch, visually clearing that, made the change to the start date, then pressed save.

There was a bug where, unbeknownst to me, the delete switch was still selected, but not visible. However, Jake quashed that bug and it shouldn't be a problem anymore. I now personally feel confident that when making a multi-edit, my tasks will not be deleted.

Definitely back up, however. It's good practice when testing Beta software, and recommended.
Christoph Dollis

Posted Jan 26, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.0.2
Score: 1
Hi Chris,

Yes, that's unfortunate! I see what you mean. Where I have my saved searches, though hath none.

I added symbols from Miscellaneous Symbols here:

Note that while there are many other sets of symbols there (such as "Dingbats"), Toodledo doesn't recognize a lot of them, and many browsers don't recognize a lot of them, so I pretty much stick to "Miscellaneous Symbols" and a few others (such as some arrows, geometric shapes, and a few of the math symbols will work too).



P.S. My first sort criteria are Folders because I can manually order them, name them whatever I want, and so on and so forth. I use Context to order some things within Folders. A Tasks, for example, but not B–D Tasks, following the method here:

At the top of all I have an Inbox for anything coming in from various sources that hasn't been sorted into a Folder yet. It's usually hidden, but appears up top when there is something in it to Folderize.

Lastly, I sort by Alphabetical.

I use the default Context of "x" so it sorts below my numbers 1–9, per the above method. These are my folders:


D = Delegate
E = Eliminate (but hold for a bit to ensure I really want to do that)

I do take the time to transfer via typing my Events from my calendar into Toodledo each day. That way I just have one place to look for everything. I sort them with 24-hour dating, preceded by 0700-0930, etc., or 1900~ for an approximate time—a reminder, in other words.

I even used Saved Searches as a type of CRM (based on a "Fishing" metaphor), for both business and personal follow-up! However, the items within my Toodledo CRM simply are slotted into Events and Tasks. So I'll have something like, "Fish personally land ..." to start the task, then the name of the person, and often what specific action I intend to do (call, email, send a letter, whatever). My Saved Searches allow me to slice and dice that. For example

Fish businessly
bait [with what the fish likes to bite down on]
cast [for next step]
dap [lure]
hook [to event]
land [a favorable deal or deals]
release [although this may be a catch and release scenario!]
tackle [admin stuff related to this]
watercraft [training/study stuff related to this]

P.P.S. Did I mention that I love that Toodledo lets me sort and have Saved Searches such as this? I've now got it set up to, on a daily basis, be the one place I look to for every planned Event or Task or similar, and sorted wonderfully. I use Start Dates, like Michael Linenberger recommends, so I only see the relevant Tasks, yet also have Saved Searches set up so I can see my Tasks over different time periods and/or days of the week.

This message was edited Jan 26, 2017.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
Dear Toodledo Team,

This is a feature suggestion and not an urgent problem.

If you'll look at the two screenshots I'm linking, you'll see that when Multi-Line view is selected in the old stable web app and sorting is done first by folder, there is enough space to read longish folder names:

However, in the beta new layout, these same folder names (or whatever the first sort criteria is) are truncated:

Visually, this is not as appealing, and I think it would be good if there was at least as many characters allowed for this in the beta new layout as there is in the old stable web app.

Now if this absolutely isn't possible to have more characters than you've allocated because of fluid layouts or similar considerations, I get that. However, if it is possible to allow more room for the first sort criteria names here, that would be excellent. Because there is so much room for the Task Title in the Multi-Line view, that there should be enough space, all else being equal.

The old presentation of this is better than the new presentation. You'll see what I'm getting at when you look on the top right of these screenshots—the part I've marked off in red.



This message was edited Jan 25, 2017.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
Posted by Jake:
I believe that we have fixed the bug that caused Christoph's issue. It was a multi-edit gone bad. We have added extra checks and warnings now, so it shouldnt happen again.

Sounds about right.
Christoph Dollis

Posted Jan 25, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.0.2
Score: 0

For me the Saved Searches weren't working (for an entirely different reason) until the most recent update. However, they're working for me now! Maybe I'm not understanding your description of the problem.

First, I navigate to Saved Searches as you describe in your comment. Then:

I've uploaded two screenshots of my app: 1) Where I'm clicking to see my Saved Searches. 2) After clicking, how I see the list of Saved Searches.

Do you see in that first photo where it says "Today" (up top)? That is the name of my Saved Search which is currently in view.

After I click on "Today", I see a list with my other Saved Searches:

I hope this helps you, but if you have a totally different issue, please forgive me for taking up your time with this.

This message was edited Jan 25, 2017.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
A quick heads up to everyone. I went here last night:
(the new beta tasks new layout)

... and added a few tasks using the multi-add feature. That worked, but all my other tasks were then deleted everywhere (in the new beta tasks new layout view, old tasks layout and view, mobile apps, etc.). I created a ticket about this, but, to say the least, the warning about making a backup of your data before using the beta is something I would take seriously.

Fortunately, I was able to restore most of my tasks from a week-old backup. I also restored my remaining tasks from the Deleted Tasks page, where it said my tasks were deleted after I clicked on the Trash icon (which I did not).

This message was edited Jan 24, 2017.
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
Saved Searches now work as expected on the Beta Android app, after the most recent update.

Thanks Jake and Toodledo team!
Christoph Dollis

Score: 0
Posted by Jake:
There may be a bug with a saved search that uses start-date with a "relative date" like "Today" or "Tuesday" instead of an absolute date like 'Dec 28, 2016'. I'll look into this.

Thanks very much, Jake.

I am wondering if this might be an issue specific to my account rather than the potential bug you're describing.

I submitted Support Ticket #64669. You might want to have a look at that.

What is going on there is when I switch to the new layout, I have less tasks. So something is out of sync in my account somewhere.

Important note: As I mentioned in the P.S. above, I realize that ALL my Saved Searches, even those that don't rely on dates and merely have keywords, are doing the same thing: i.e., every single tasks shows up for each Saved Search, regardless of the Saved Search criteria.

I'll update Support Ticket #64669 with the information from this conversation just in case the two issues are related.
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