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New Section: Habits
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Toodledo Founder
Posted: Aug 04, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestions. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but these are on our to-do list.


Posted: Sep 10, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Would really like to see the ability to add notes to Rating Habits each day. For example, if we're tracking productivity and we have to rate it as low it would be nice to take note why it was low on those days. This would be useful information to try and look for patterns, things that are killing your posting on forums and such ;-)

Without being able to keep some kind of notes, it's really fairly useless. You can just say, "Oh look, my productivity was low 3 times this week and 2 times last week", but there's nothing to help you determine why so what's the pointing of tracking it. Yes, you could take notes somewhere else, but then why bother going two places to track that kind of information.

This is the kind of stuff that you need to go deeper on now and hold off going wide with the features.

ToodleDo is still the best task tool out there!!!

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 11, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
This is definitely planned

Posted: Sep 16, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
Neat new feature! I'd been using a separate app for this (Goal Streaks)

The big thing that's missing for me is the ability to specify a habit that occurs X times a week, such as go to gym three times a week.

Posted: Oct 02, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
Is there any documentation on 'Habits' It seems very straightforward, but simply want to ensure I'm not missing something. For some reason I thought it interfaced with the Tasks module. Also, add me down for additional intervals, measurements, and we all love colorful, interactive drill-down charts where applicable. I've used Commit, Lift, Habit List (my personal favorite) so leveraging these concepts into a once-stop shop like you appear to be doing is gold!

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Oct 05, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
We dont have any documentation on the Habits section yet, but if you have any questions, please ask here or in a support ticket.
Christoph Dollis

Posted: Oct 06, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
I just started using Toodledo's Habits again. They're great.

Incidentally, this book, Mini Habits, is one of the two best books I've ever red in my life (and his other, newer book How to Be an Imperfectionist, is just as good: it is the second of the two best books in my life. Interestingly, in both books, the author, Stephen Guise, refers to what used to be the best book I've ever red in my life, and have called such for fifteen years! That can't be a coincidence. He "gets it" when it comes to helping people, starting with himself when he needed it, quickly make rapid, lasting changes).

All three books have profound, and easy, psychological insights that are practical to put into use, literally overnight. Like, for real. Anyway, if you're interested in habit development, Mini Habits is the book to read. Toodledo works well in logging them.

A couple things that would be nice from Toodledo are weekly habits, as has been mentioned and acknowledged as a good idea by everyone (Mini Habits has room for weekly habits within its suggestions), and a badge for the website's favicon, website's Habits tab, mobile app's icon, and mobile app's Habits tab, for Habits still remaining in the inbox. I realize creating these badges may involve a bit of work, but they would prevent the necessity of duplicate entering habits as repeating tasks, or not being sure if today's habits had all been completed. It would be a killer app, this way, and is such a differentiator—when combined with outstanding sorting abilities (and pretty, new design)—that it would be way ahead of other task-management apps.

But still, it works quite well for Habits even now, and I'm glad it is implemented in Toodledo!

P.S. If anyone buys Mini Habits, you'll notice that it is extremely inexpensive on Kindle. Add the Audible narration, which is very, very professionally done and red by a speaker with an outstanding voice for a few bucks more and you won't be disappointed. It's WhisperSync enabled, so keeps on the correct page whether listening or reading. The How to Be an Imperfectionist book (these are not affiliate links: I make no money off of them) is also economical, and the Audible version, with WhisperSync, is fantastic.

Combined, for both Kindle ebooks and both Audible audio books, they're the best $11 I ever spent!

This message was edited Oct 06, 2015.
Sean D. Mack

Posted: Oct 06, 2015
Score: 5 Reference
Definitely like the idea of having integration with tasks into a single view. I like to make an ordered list of actions throughout the day and it is not possible if the Habits are completely separate from the Tasks.

Posted by cj:
I just started using "Habits" and am quite excited about the possibilities. For the past 2-3 years I have been trying to get toodledo to perform like this (the Goal-chains were very lacking), and also have a homegrown spreadsheet to do something similar.

While I have many of the same observations others have had - here are a few (hopefully) new and useful ones ...
(please comment or correct me on anything that might already have a solution etc - it might benefit others to know, too).

#1 - some sort of integration with my tasks.
ie.. the daily habits appearing as a category or something (ie... under "show" - a checkmark for "habits")
this way they can appear every day in my todo list

2. Habit reminders
Working like task reminders - or even better, with some sort of period reminder (remind me 3x a day .. etc)

3. For numeric habits ...
while I am sure there is a roadmap and improvements planned - I would find this more useful if

A. the goal chain was BROKEN for the habit - if I did not reach the minimum numeric goal (or max)
ie... if my goal was to write 1,000 words per day - I might enter 650. While I want the habit to be logged, I did not achieve the goal for the day, and it should be reflected.

ie... if my goal was to eat less than 1,800 calories per day - and I entered 2,000 - I still want to log the number but the goal chain should be broken.

from my observations - the goal chain (and associated metrics) are not broken as long as I enter ANY number. Even when I enter 0 - the habit is marked as completed! (obviously it was not).

B. Do more with numbers in the charts.
ie... allow me to see average/day, min.max etc... (I personally would pay for this as a premium feature)

4. wish-list
the ability to email to complete a habit for the day.
(ie like the way I can email and create a task).


Posted: Nov 12, 2015
Score: 6 Reference
I understand that you have to prioritize users' preferences when deciding which features to add. So, certainly not mad at you for unveiling Habits. Agree with others, though, who have said it would be nice to have Habits and Tasks relate to one another, instead of standing alone; and/or to have Habits be more robust, with room for notes and a "goal" field, such that each habit can be related to a Goal. Accomplishing goals is the reason we want to develop habits anyway.

Another way to accomplish essentially the same thing would be to do away with a separate Habits section, but give us the analytical capabilities of Habits (especially the cute little chain) on any recurring tasks we designate as "habits."

Thank you for Toodledo. I know setting up, maintaining and continuously developing such a robost and user-friendly tool can't be easy!

This message was edited Nov 12, 2015.

Posted: Nov 14, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by StoryJW: would be nice to have Habits and Tasks relate to one another, instead of standing alone; and/or to have Habits be more robust, with room for notes and a "goal" field, such that each habit can be related to a Goal. Accomplishing goals is the reason we want to develop habits anyway.

Another way to accomplish essentially the same thing would be to do away with a separate Habits section, but give us the analytical capabilities of Habits (especially the cute little chain) on any recurring tasks we designate as "habits."

Thank you for Toodledo. I know setting up, maintaining and continuously developing such a robust and user-friendly tool can't be easy!

Incorporating Habits within Tasks would be the cleanest implementation so that one could see all ToDo's at a glance in one view. A Habit is a to-do that has to be done regularly isn't it?

Posted: Nov 14, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
Totally agree. I do not even see the reason Habits have been created as separate section. If it is because those eye-candy views only then it is even more hard to understand.

Habits can be easly implemented in Task section, just by creating dedicated Context or Folder (depending on individial preferences) named "Habits" and by putting those repeating stuff as tasks in it. And that's it. Am I missing something?

Posted: Jan 09, 2016
Score: 1 Reference
I actually like the habits section, as an easy on/off did/didn't view. It would be great to be able to reorganize the list, though -- grouping similar items together, or by priority. Is there a way to do this?

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 09, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
It is not currently possible to group habits, but this is a good idea. You could give them similar names to get them to be near each other, like "Health - Exercise" and "Health - Eat Fruits"

Posted: May 05, 2016
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by karin.borgerson:
Thank you for the new habits features! This is a big area of focus for me right now, and I'm happy to have some new tools.

One feature that I would love to see: integration with task list. I currently have lots of habits in my to-do list, and I would love it if I could keep them there AND not have to also track them separately in the habits section. The check-box habits seem like they would be easiest to implement if there could be some sort of a "habit" flag on tasks. That way, if I completed the task, it could automatically track in the habits section. (And it would be awesome if by creating a recurring task that I want to be a habit and I set the "habit" flag, it would automatically create a habit to track!)

Thanks again for continuing to provide me with new tools! I've been a devoted user since 2009. Wish list items aren't complaints, just things that would make Toodledo even better!

This would be awesome!!!

Posted: May 28, 2016
Score: 2 Reference
I like habits as a separate section - is good because habits are special tasks to me - programming / rewiring my brain - which needs some work, let me tell you - so it's good they are separate, simple to access and use - more likely I will... keep the habit of making habits! - i.e. the whole point.

If I (or anyone else) wanted to have habits in/as tasks there's nothing stopping me making recurring tasks tagged and/or categories as habits and custom search for them.

thanks TD crew, for a nice product.

This message was edited May 28, 2016.

Posted: Aug 06, 2016
Score: 4 Reference
Hello Developers!

I am a HUGE fan of Toodledo, and I'm working constantly to develop more in depth use of the program. What I'm finding the most useful is the Habits section. It's a new trend in Leadership to track habits as a way to change the level of success. May I request a few things that I think will add value to the habits section?

1. PLEASE make a habits Widget! I would love to have clickable checkboxes for my habits once i complete them right on my phones desktop.

2. I know technically, once an week and once a month, are not true habits, but from the standpoint of tracking consistency, it would be nice to have in the habits section.

3. I would like to have notes attached to my habits, so that I can remind myself sometimes why I even want to have the habit in the first place... after all, the hard part is the work done to ESTABLISH the habit, so a place to describe your WHY or other details would be nice.

4. I love the chains, but once you hit 30 days, there is no longer a count of how many days in a row. There is also no report. I would like to see a cumulative report on my progress that I can print as a graph or bar chart that shows the total length of days without a break in the chain. Also, the display should tell you how many days, not just 30+.

That's it. Please consider and respond with your thoughts! Thanks!

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Aug 08, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestions. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but these are on our to-do list.

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