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Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by Ron Kuntz:
Who can forget "we dont comment on timeframes, but it is on our to do list". Ill pay more to never have to hear that BS again!!

I can understand your frustration, but having worked in the software development field for just over 35 years, I have to say that's pretty standard. The companies I worked for explained that there was a legal implication in saying something would be out at a particular date and then missing the deadline. Maybe it's because they were large companies and had a large team of lawyers who erred on the side of caution, but it was pretty common.

Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Ron Kuntz:
Who can forget "we dont comment on timeframes, but it is on our to do list". Ill pay more to never have to hear that BS again!!

Well, comparing to new owners' communication policy, the more I think about it, the closer I am to admit I miss it.

Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Curt:

Much more important than the super steep price increase with reduced benefits that has been announced despite the reassurance from Sam three months ago that current user pricing would be essentially grandfathered in, (“Please note that there is no plan to increase the price of current paying users.“) is HUGE tidbit that wasn’t announced, emailed or highlighted, but appears to have been already implemented under the radar….


According to the other thread started in this forum here: (, it appears Toodledo is now going to be selling our personal data/profile to advertisers! I have been a loyal Silver user for 10 years with two other collaborator accounts, but you breach the trust of my personal privacy and I'm out of here. I don't care if the price is free! It's a non-negotiable! Make sure you read you read the old and new privacy policy linked below. I was not notified of any upcoming privacy policy change! There is no “Opt Out” function to keep my data from being shared. I never did, or would, authorize my data to be analyzed and shared to any third party for marketing or any other purpose where there is an additional risk of another data breach like we’ve seen in recent news!

Aaron, is this really true?? Was sharing our data the real reason for the purchase? Please say it isn’t so. I, like most every user, do not want my personally identifiable information shared with anyone! Opt me out! With the amount of super detailed and personal information that many of us trust to be safe inside this software, I believe you will have you a large falling out of users, like me, that will move to another option where our private data is kept private. Would you consider immediately reinstating and honoring the old privacy policy that was in place and that all of the loyal Toodledo customers over the years counted on to keep our data safe? Please let know asap.

No, your personal data is not being sold, nor will it be sold.

I want to set the record straight. We’re updating our Policies to reflect changes in data privacy laws. We’ve added details about your ability to manage the information you share with us, and the new tools we’ve created to help you do that.

This updated Policy will give you more control over your information and more clearly explains how we use it. Our core commitments regarding your privacy haven’t changed.

+ We are not adding advertising to Toodledo. We strongly believe the existing subscription model is the best model for us and our users, and it's why we doubled down on it versus even considering adding advertising as a business model to Toodledo
+ We are using paid acquisition to grow our new user base, which includes advertising to our target audience. We’ve mentioned this in the past here and here. The new policies covers the tools we use to target and track conversion and ROI of these marketing efforts.


Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Yes, Aaron, thank you for hearing what we were saying about the pricing model gaps and adding the "Standard" option.

Just to echo what others have said, having only one week of history is pretty much a joke; hardly better than having no history at all and might only be helpful for anything that was just being worked on currently over the course of the last few days. I could see offering this in the free edition just to give people a taste and make them want to upgrade to a paid subscription but I surely don't understand the rationale for this in an offering that costs $26 annually for the subscription. I think it would have to be at least a year, preferably 10 years or permanent.

Hopefully you and the team will rethink this.

"Emailing a task" would surely be nice to include, as well, but I recognize that you need to have differentiation between the tier levels.

Thank you for coming back to us with this "revised" plan. It gives me some hope that Toodledo and I are not done with each other forever.

I've really enjoyed using the product and do wish you the best.

Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 8 Reference
Not surprised by the huge push to increase the Average Revenue Per Member they are taking given the recent sale, but at the same time quite disappointed.

By alienating your loyal members with ridiculous price increases, whilst at the same time making big changes to functionality across all the tiers.

I currently have a Gold membership, expiring in May 2019. I will be very surprised if I renew based on the current tiers.

- Gold price is currently $30 pa.
- New Gold price is $90.

- Silver price is currently $20
- New Silver price is $60.

- 1 week task retention, even on PAID plans.
- Other ridiculous changes to available features per tier.

- stating prices per month, even though its billed annually, to trick you into thinking its cheaper / not realising what a huge price increase they've rolled out

Seriously?! It just feels like you are completely screwing over your entire membership base.

I'm a CFO at a tech company that has it's revenue from subscriptions. We look at pricing very closely constantly, and are of course looking to maximise/increase revenue. But your changes here just look like commercial suicide. Have you done any A/B testing on these? Have you thought about Grandfathering existing subscriptions? The new homepage states "used by over 1.8 million people", but I can't see member retention rates being maintained, let alone increasing through crazy changes like you've announced.

This message was edited Oct 25, 2018.

Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 5 Reference
Just a simple question to Aaron.

Todoist is, arguably, the leading brand in the field that Toodledo competes in. Toodledo is regarded by most reviews as a middle-of-the pack at best.

Todoist has a single premium tier at $30 a year.

Toodledo now has premium tiers ranging from $60 to $90 a year.

Why do you think the customers would want to pay 2 to 3 times more for a lesser known service ? What is that one single selling point ?

I am a big fan of Toodledo, but even I can’t see it.

This message was edited Oct 25, 2018.

Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
For me.... no alternative at the moment.

Toodledo has specific configuration support for the MYN system, e.g. Start Date, and supporting documents and training material over at MYN site. ToDoist does not support that at all, so doesn't work for me.

Posted by Ummagumma:
Just a simple question to Aaron.

Todoist is, arguably, the leading brand in the field that Toodledo competes in. Toodledo is regarded by most reviews as a middle-of-the pack at best.

Todoist has a single premium tier at $30 a year.

Toodledo now has premium tiers ranging from $60 to $90 a year.

Why do you think the customers would want to pay 2 to 3 times more for a lesser known service ? What is that one single selling point ?

I am a big fan of Toodledo, but even I can’t see it.

Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
For me the two main features preventing me to jump to other tool is the very flexible repeating tasks and custom searches.

Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
I've been using Todoist (I went ahead and paid for the premium version) for about a week now and I have to say I am very impressed with the way it works. I don't use start dates - my workflow is creating a bunch of tasks daily, mainly from meetings and emails - and the Todoist InBox works great for just throwing tasks in there, so I can go through them later when I have time and add dates, associate with a project, add notes (you can add multiple notes and attachments to tasks) and then move on. I can even add tasks from my Google home or the Google assistant as I have linked that via IFTTT.

Their repeating tasks seem to be just as flexible as ToodleDo, and the searches are fast and accurate so far. The Android app is stellar, and I really like the Chrome extension.

Also, their privacy policy is very straightforward and they encrypt all user data:

I'm not meaning to shill for Todoist, but to Ummagumma's point - unless there is something particular holding you to ToodleDo, like start dates, it's hard to justify such a steep price difference.

Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Well, I'll still have nearly a year in my current plan left. I'll decide next September if the new Toodledo is worth the price hike. It better will be.


Posted: Oct 25, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
Posted by smatics:

I'm not meaning to shill for Todoist, but to Ummagumma's point - unless there is something particular holding you to ToodleDo, like start dates, it's hard to justify such a steep price difference.

That's where I'm at too. Todoist premium trial, and I really like it for all the reasons above! I can collaborate with my family, and they don't need to pay for premium as well.

I do sort of miss start dates though.

My point is that this change made me look around, so that's where I'm going to stay until Toodledo wins me back.

Posted: Oct 26, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Hi @All,

I think in this Post Aaron made really clear, that they won't sell our data or our tasks to someone.
He made very clear, that they respect our privacy and that they still commit to former values of Toodledo.
This is why I prefer to stay, for my workflow there is not really an alternative to Toodledo and I would like to support Toodledo.
I also appreciate, that they communicate with us so much. This is really not usual and I am willing to pay the price for that.

Here is the important link to the statement of Aaron concerning our Privacy:

As this Topic bugs me a bit I would like to re-post Anthony's question, because I am now at Silver and will revert to the new Plus, but my subscription runs until March 2019. It would be really bad if I would lose my Task History except for 1 week....

Anthony Taylor
Posted: 2 days ago
@Aaron I understand the payment structure doesn't change while the current subscription lasts, but what about the features of the original subscription that was paid for?

This message was edited Oct 26, 2018.

Posted: Oct 26, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Took a quick look - RtM would be a workable backup alternative if I need one - missing a few things like multiple sort columns (unless that's in a premium level), and probably a few other things. But would have enough functionality to work with.

Posted by DrFrankBuck:

Take a look at Remember the Milk. It has a start date and I believe has what you need to support Master Your Now.

Posted by Robert_HOME:
For me.... no alternative at the moment.

Toodledo has specific configuration support for the MYN system, e.g. Start Date, and supporting documents and training material over at MYN site. ToDoist does not support that at all, so doesn't work for me.

Posted by Ummagumma:
Just a simple question to Aaron.

Todoist is, arguably, the leading brand in the field that Toodledo competes in. Toodledo is regarded by most reviews as a middle-of-the pack at best.

Todoist has a single premium tier at $30 a year.

Toodledo now has premium tiers ranging from $60 to $90 a year.

Why do you think the customers would want to pay 2 to 3 times more for a lesser known service ? What is that one single selling point ?

I am a big fan of Toodledo, but even I can’t see it.

Posted: Oct 26, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
I am a gold customer and have been using Toodledo for over 5 years. The price jump is insulting. In order for me to keep the same functions I will have to pay 3 times as much (300% increase). I may be able to go down to the Plus level but that is still a 200% increase for removed functionality.

I was not contacted for any comments before hand. My subscription runs out in July 2019 and I will be looking for alternative tools if the price levels stay the same. If you add a few features to your Standard option it would meet most of my needs. I think you do a great job and I am willing to pay more but not 2x or 3x. I am willing to pay when I add a collaborator if that helps keep the costs down. I have the option for up to 15 collaborators now and the plus plan drops me back to 5.

I would look for the opportunity to discuss improvements to your standard or price options on the Plus that could make this transition much smoother for your customers.

I am sorry, I have to say goodbye to Toodledo after my current subscription expires unless new pricing or features are adjusted.

Posted: Oct 26, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by dolp_1374590451:
I was not contacted for any comments before hand.

I think that request might have been in one of their posts on this forum, but I can't remember.

Posted: Oct 26, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
I looked at RTM, the multiple sort columns are likely a “pro” feature, as is unfortunately the Watch app - hard for me to evaluate the service without it.

It certainly supports the Start date, advanced filtering, website access, and has an Outlook sync program available as part of the Pro subscription, which is very interesting.

About the only missing functionality I can find (that I use) is the ability to set an item alarm independent of due date - i.e. I can set it to xx days before but not to a specific day/time. It’s no biggie, though.

Their Pro service is $40 per year, and their Free service is surprisingly well featured. Not sure if I want to switch yet again, the combination of Outlook and Good Task is working very well for me, but RTM is definitely a good alternative,

Posted by Robert_HOME:
Took a quick look - RtM would be a workable backup alternative if I need one - missing a few things like multiple sort columns (unless that's in a premium level), and probably a few other things. But would have enough functionality to work with.

Posted by DrFrankBuck:

Take a look at Remember the Milk. It has a start date and I believe has what you need to support Master Your Now.

Posted by Robert_HOME:
For me.... no alternative at the moment.

Toodledo has specific configuration support for the MYN system, e.g. Start Date, and supporting documents and training material over at MYN site. ToDoist does not support that at all, so doesn't work for me.

Posted by Ummagumma:
Just a simple question to Aaron.

Todoist is, arguably, the leading brand in the field that Toodledo competes in. Toodledo is regarded by most reviews as a middle-of-the pack at best.

Todoist has a single premium tier at $30 a year.

Toodledo now has premium tiers ranging from $60 to $90 a year.

Why do you think the customers would want to pay 2 to 3 times more for a lesser known service ? What is that one single selling point ?

I am a big fan of Toodledo, but even I can’t see it.

Posted: Oct 26, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
For me, I can manage with the individual plan, because, while I'm a gold subscriber now, that was because the old plan limited size of outlines and lists and I needed that. The only other reason, although a big reason, was subtasks.

What I actually do worry about is the price increase causing the whole thing to jump the shark. I know software engineers don't come cheap but for Power users this huge price increase is hard to swallow and if enough of these folks pull up stakes Toodledo will be in a world of hurt.

Boy do I ever hope I'm wrong.

Posted: Oct 26, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
I have used many apps (wunderlist, todoist premium, toodledo and ticktick, to name a few. Todoist have greater mindshare now. But Toodledo is more flexible. Multi-criteria sort, new task defaults, start dates. Also, Todoist labels and task comments (task notes) are premium features whereas, Toodledo allows for tags and notes even at the free level.

Also, Toodledo is the only app I found where the start date field is independent of the due date field.

Todo cloud also offers a start date field but its tied to a due date.

Posted: Oct 26, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Please please please, maintain full features for existing Free and Paid users!!!

I used a lot saved searches for free, in the future I will planned paid Standard, but, at the new price, I doubt that.

Toodledo always was a free and cheap alternatives for individual and personal use, please please dont change de escentials of that.

Thanks !!! a lot!
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