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Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Feb 10, 2019
Score: 6 Reference
Some of us believe management made some strategic decisions that were unnecessary. An apparent lack of development resources and an unreasonable price increase before product improvements. Many long time customers decided to leave or will be leaving when their subscription is up for renewal. Of course companies need to adjust their subscription rates and that is a normal part of business. But if you want to retain your existing customer base and that revenue stream grandfather in all of those customers. Also, don't play games by moving features around in your plans to make a customer upgrade. Treat people fairly and good things will happen. You had the loyalty but then lost it overnight.

This space is very competitive and there are companies with better products, management and larger development teams. Frankly, I was surprised with what I found when looking for alternatives. Granted it can take time and effort to evaluate, test drive and then migrate to a new system. In addition, you may have to adjust your work flow and approach. In the end I found it a worthwhile effort.

This message was edited Feb 10, 2019.

Posted: Feb 10, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
It's two sided weapon and whatever Toodledo team does, there always will be bad fortune tellers. I understand them, but simply choose not believe them, partially based on my personal experience with the team.

OTOH, there are really good alternatives - I have tried RTM, Ticktick and Clikup and all of these could replace Toodledo for me, in case I will have the need to. (Well, not Ticktick, but that is more to do with my view of China).

Posted: Feb 10, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
I'm waiting for full import in ticktick to jump ship.

Posted: Feb 22, 2019
Score: 6 Reference
Wow, the first time I looked at the pricing plan with any detail. I always over looked toodeldo's awkwardness because it wasn’t charging the silly $5-6 a month fee like many other plans. Now toodledo is charging these silly numbers and what are they offering for this increase in cost? nothing.

Not good, I have been using toodeldo for 8 years. I guess I will have to start looking elsewhere

Posted: Feb 23, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
@jzamoras are the TickTick developers aware of this?

Posted by jzamoras:
I'm waiting for full import in ticktick to jump ship.

Posted: Feb 23, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Duo:
@jzamoras are the TickTick developers aware of this?

Posted by jzamoras:
I'm waiting for full import in ticktick to jump ship.

I raised the import bug few weeks ago, I haven't tried it again. The bug is about repeating tasks and subtasks.

This message was edited Feb 23, 2019.

Posted: Mar 03, 2019
Score: 4 Reference
Just signed up for another year, going with Plus plan to replace a Gold plan.

It would cost way more than $60 of my time to evaluate and select an alternative. Will only switch out to alternatives if Toodledo runs into functionality and/or reliability issues or goes out of business.

But... would be nice to get a decent iOs app sometime soon!!?

This message was edited Mar 03, 2019.

Posted: Mar 07, 2019
Score: 5 Reference
I guess the price jump could be justified if some of the core issues/problems/deficits of toodledo were fixed. But to ask us to pay more than double on a promise to come.... is a little hard. Also it seems some of the existing features being changed to different price levels was clearly just a revenue grab.

I have been loyal to toodldo for years. Even paying for a gold membership even though I didn't use the additional features that came with the gold level. I just wanted to support toodledo. But reflecting on this, maybe that was a sign that toodledo was grossly undervalued. I don't have a history of paying extra for nothing. It would have been nice if the existing users could have been grandfathered in for a period. Maybe long enough to see real improvements.

Anyhow just my two cents.

Posted: Mar 09, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
The pricing change is a minor issue from my side, but

> Notes / Lists / Outlines / Habits:[...] So, we are hitting pause on developmenting these features.

This part makes me sad. :( I have been using Habits very regularly for a while now, and have recently started using Outlines too and find it very helpful. Toodledo has a simple interface and a reliable backend for these, which cannot be said for alternate services, even if there are many of them.

I would be fine with not having further enhancements to these pages, but in my experience "hitting pause" is usually a prelude to discontinuing the service altogether. Can someone from the Toodledo team give more details on what the further plan regarding these is, and what their life expectancy at this point is?

I had let my Silver subscription expire a while ago and was just about to resubscribe, but if these features are going to die out I'll have to really think about whether it's worth getting the subscription at this point.

Posted: Mar 09, 2019
Score: 7 Reference
Your ridiculous jump in subscription fees has caused me to jump to another to-do app.

Increasing prices by such an big amount before improving your product or rolling out updated iOS and Android apps? A terrible marketing decision. I'm not paying for promises. I've been down that road with Remember the Milk.

Expecting loyalty from long-term customers without offering any loyalty for our business with you? Another terrible marketing decision.

I have no desire to see Toodledo fail; it's a terrific application. It's just sadly now too expensive compared to alternatives.

This message was edited Mar 09, 2019.

Posted: Mar 12, 2019
Score: 3 Reference
I became a gold user last year and now that the new pricing plan removes two important features, I am quite dismayed.

Those are the loss of the ability to create tasks by forwarding an email (which if memory serves was oncea feature of the basic plan), and the inability to do file uploads. Is there any plan to grandfather folks like me if for these features? Otherwise, I have to pay double what I do now which seems very unfair for two more features, especially the email forwarding.

Any plans to remedy this or do I need to find another app after being so happy with Toodledo for so long?

Posted: Mar 14, 2019
Score: 4 Reference
Dealing with my once-adored Toodledo over the past weeks has reminded me of a story about Motley Crue. Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx had a contest in which they would completely ignore their personal hygiene for days, even weeks, and see just how thoroughly disgusting they could be and still have groupies want to sleep with them.

Toodledo is the Motley Crue rhythm section and we users are the groupies. Just how absolutely buggy and frustrating can they make the program and still have us want to use it? I have reached the point where the time I spend trying to get Toodledo to work properly is probably greater than the time I could have spent moving to a new provider.

As I type this, there are several yellow Post It notes on my desk beside my keyboard. Why? Because - starting last night - I have been unable to add new tasks. As soon as I click the "Start Date" and pull up the little calendar, the entire page freezes. I'm using Post Its! This isn't the to-do app for which I've been a paid user for years.

This message was edited Mar 14, 2019.
Ian B

Posted: Mar 15, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
I had this problem appear yesterday. I found the bug wasn't there if I logged in incognito mode. I then cleared the cache in my browser and it's now fixed in normal mode.

Hope that helps!


Posted by randalljsmith:
Dealing with my once-adored Toodledo over the past weeks has reminded me of a story about Motley Crue. Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx had a contest in which they would completely ignore their personal hygiene for days, even weeks, and see just how thoroughly disgusting they could be and still have groupies want to sleep with them.

Toodledo is the Motley Crue rhythm section and we users are the groupies. Just how absolutely buggy and frustrating can they make the program and still have us want to use it? I have reached the point where the time I spend trying to get Toodledo to work properly is probably greater than the time I could have spent moving to a new provider.

As I type this, there are several yellow Post It notes on my desk beside my keyboard. Why? Because - starting last night - I have been unable to add new tasks. As soon as I click the "Start Date" and pull up the little calendar, the entire page freezes. I'm using Post Its! This isn't the to-do app for which I've been a paid user for years.

Posted: Mar 18, 2019
Score: 3 Reference
I've been a user for at least as long... I was in the same place you are until the last round of outages. The Valentine's Day outage caught me in the middle of working on two short fuse projects and trying to get two technical proposals put to bed. I exported all of my tasks the next day, spent half a day tinkering, and moved all of my task management to Trello. I don't need a subscription, and with about 30 minutes of tinkering, Trello adapted just fine to my needs. Having spent about a month using Trello, I'm actually happier with it than I was with Toodledo. I believe I've been a subscriber for almost 8-10 years. I won't be renewing. I'm actually a little sad, as Toodledo has been a fixture in my life for a long time, and I've probably sold 10-15 people on using it... I sincerely wish the new management good luck.

Posted by greginfla:
Wow, the first time I looked at the pricing plan with any detail. I always over looked toodeldo's awkwardness because it wasn’t charging the silly $5-6 a month fee like many other plans. Now toodledo is charging these silly numbers and what are they offering for this increase in cost? nothing.

Not good, I have been using toodeldo for 8 years. I guess I will have to start looking elsewhere

Posted: Mar 21, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I cannot live without emailing tasks. That is the one function that I use more than anything.
Its going to cost me a whole lot more just for that one function.

Posted: Mar 21, 2019
Score: 4 Reference
Although I have had a Gold subscription for several years I have by no means been a frequent user of Toodledo. I use paper for most things in life but I have Toodledo spurts when I have complex things to get done.

I kept re-upping my subscription because I liked the service, believed in what the management kept saying it wanted to do, and believed that eventually it would be extended in a meaningful way to Android.

For those times I use Toodledo I appreciate most the ability to email tasks and to upload files. Those are being removed.

For that alone I would be leaving Toodledo, but the lack of any discount pricing for long time members, or the lack of grandfathering of prices and features, just feels callous and tells me that customers are not held in much regard.

There is a saying in the sales business that it is ten times harder to find a new customer than to keep an existing one.

I will not be renewing.

Posted: Mar 21, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
@jzamoras Did they reply? If not it may be worth posting on the Help forum, which you can reach from the web app (and maybe the mobile app), they usually interact with people there.

My personal experience in the past is that they have added a significant new feature that I and others have asked for, although it wasn't a bug fix so it took a little while.

Posted by jzamoras:
Posted by Duo:
@jzamoras are the TickTick developers aware of this?

Posted by jzamoras:
I'm waiting for full import in ticktick to jump ship.

I raised the import bug few weeks ago, I haven't tried it again. The bug is about repeating tasks and subtasks.

Posted: Mar 21, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Duo:
@jzamoras Did they reply? If not it may be worth posting on the Help forum, which you can reach from the web app (and maybe the mobile app), they usually interact with people there.

My personal experience in the past is that they have added a significant new feature that I and others have asked for, although it wasn't a bug fix so it took a little while.

Posted by jzamoras:
Posted by Duo:
@jzamoras are the TickTick developers aware of this?

Posted by jzamoras:
I'm waiting for full import in ticktick to jump ship.

I raised the import bug few weeks ago, I haven't tried it again. The bug is about repeating tasks and subtasks.

I still have a few hundred days in my subscription, so I will give them a few months before I follow up.

Posted: Mar 23, 2019
Score: 3 Reference
Yes, this is another "I'm leaving" post. But it's been coming a long time, since before the new management. I've long wanted two things: task hierarchy and printing in a reasonable format. I stuck around because 1) I'm a procrastinator, 2) I go through "cleaning house" phases and wasn't in one yet, and 3) once new management was announced, I'd hoped that might prioritize the things I wanted a little higher.

I'm not leaving due to price changes. I can live with the new prices.

Task hierarchies - it's simple, linked lists. the database side should be pretty simple too. Each task has a parent field that is null or points to its parent. You don't even really have to have each parent know who its children are. When on task 1, do a search for who has task 1 as a parent. Granted, the UI might be a little more complex. But the task view has very few columns, I really don't see the problem with continuing to indent for each subsequent offspring. I write and maintain software with millions of lines of code (not alone, I'm one of a team of 9) and we have linked lists forming an infinite level tree. And if you want to know what multi-level hierarchy can look like, just pull up Windows Explorer and look at the folder tree. It's always annoyed me to hear that it's so hard to do. I could be wrong. The original underlying schema may be what makes it hard. But I've used other software that has multi-levels.

Printing - The notion that printing is and should useless has always annoyed me. I am frequently away from my computer and a phone screen is really small. I want a PIM to manage my private life - a life where I attend my mother's doctors (she has 8) appointments (2 a month) and need to take notes and lookup notes while also looking up stuff online, a life where I have my own memory issues and do actually need reminders of stuff while I'm doing things around my home or at my own doctors (4). Printing stuff and keeping it in a planner is becoming ever more important. I've tried till I'm blue in the face to get my mother more tech savvy but she's 85 and takes several medications which make her mental abilities less sharp. Printing planner type pages for her would be extremely helpful. I need printing and being pfaffed off with some notion that Toodledoo is meant to be so useful in its online form that someone doesn't need to print is quick frankly ludicrous.

But I'd been hopeful and tried to limp along. Being able to keep routines digitally IS very helpful. Trotting out the cookie baking campaign, for instance, each Christmas so my mom can send cookies to her children and grandchildren has been very helpful, especially as I have tweaked it over time to reduce the actual work Mom needs to do. The cookie routine has changed as Mom's physical and mental stamina has dwindled - it has gone from just buying everything and then measuring, mixing, baking, and packing in a marathon weekend session to "hey, Mom, I'll measure everything and then we can mix, bake and pack" to finally "Hey, Mom, I'll pre-mix everything so we need to just bake and then I'll pack and mail later".

What I've liked about Toodledo is accessibility (online from the web, anywhere) and its not kanban or some of the other things out there now.

I Need printing. I Need multi-level tasks. I am tired of faking it with folder and projects and tags.

I hope this post is helpful. Hey, maybe you'll make a cookie routine too, ha ha. If moderators/management want to move it to its own thread, feel free. I won't delete my account today as I hope to remember to come back and answer any questions or comments.

I'm sad to leave Toodledoo. I have looked at other things. But I really do need control over my private life and I don't need a kanban board or anything like that. I just need a nice little thing with multi-level tasks and decent printability.

This message was edited Mar 23, 2019.

Posted: Mar 23, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
Many have wondered about management raising prices before rolling out features. I keep wondering if management needed to generate more revenue in order to hire the manpower (or quit their day jobs) to fix things/roll out features.
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