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Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
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Posted: Aug 23, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Ok. So I spent the $40 but when I try to add it a new free account coupon code when I upgrade I get Invalid Coupon Code. I created a new free account to try this and also did try to upgrade my current Silver plan subscription. Same response both tries.

Am I missing something?

Posted: Aug 23, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Larry2:
Ok. So I spent the $40 but when I try to add it a new free account coupon code when I upgrade I get Invalid Coupon Code. I created a new free account to try this and also did try to upgrade my current Silver plan subscription. Same response both tries.

Am I missing something?

ups, please keep us posted. I want to buy it too.

Posted: Aug 23, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I think I see my mistake. I used my existing Silver email address when I bought the license. I think I saw somewhere here that you have to give same email as Toodledo account but it also has to be the free version.

The new free Toodledo account I created has a different email address.

My current subscription expires Sep 8 so I'll wait until it reverts to basic free and try again. I did notice the coupon code is only good for 30 days.
Scott Florack

Posted: Aug 23, 2019
Score: 3 Reference
I've purchased several "lifetime subscriptions" from StackSocial over the years: PureVPN, VPN Unlimited, WindScribe, iDrive and Arch Hosting. All services are up and running, my accounts are working completely fine, and I feel like I've "earned my money back". StackSocial's (aka Android Digital Offers, which is how I've known them as) customer service is even pretty decent. They refunded a purchase I later regretted with minimal hassle despite a no return policy.

Therefore, I feel any risk you take is with Toodledo, not StackSocial. And that risk is Toodledo performing a quick cash grab before shutting down the servers. As others have mentioned, as long as the grab (and regular subscribers) pays the operating costs, I don't really foresee them shutting down within the breakeven point of 8 months ($5/mo x 8 months = $40 lifetime). Where I am financially, it's personally worth the risk.. and I won't deny there is a small amount of "well, you should have taken my $20/year -- that I was gladly paying -- but then you got greedy" told you so/pride going on, too. :)

Posted: Aug 23, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Well, I don't know for sure what I did but I managed to subscribe and get the lifetime coupon to be accepted in a new Toodledo account. The new account has an email I don't use much anymore and so may change it later. I guess I'll import my old account into the new and let the old become a Basic when Silver runs out.

This message was edited Aug 23, 2019.

Posted: Aug 24, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I'm going for it right now, too, Larry. The exact same procedure.

What irks me is that only two weeks ago (!!!) I prolonged my Plus account for another year. Aaaargh!

But who could have foreseen this? I'm certain – no one at all in these forums.

So this is where ex-CEO Aaron's "biweekly sprints" ultimately led him! To a speedy exit from Toodledo.

I guess if Toodledo somehow survives all this, and if the "lifetime" subscription turns out to be valid, the dozens of dollars I've just thrown out the window will become tolerable, retroactively. Right now, I'm pretty ****ed off, as you might imagine.

(The last time I purchased a "lifetime" subscription from a German app maker, the "lifetime" turned out to be less than two years before everything was over. All signs are pointing to a similar fate awaiting Toodledo. Let's hope, against all odds, that it's not going to happen.)

Posted: Aug 24, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
@AA. If I get a year I'm ok and haven't lost anything. Hopefully it'll be more than a year though. I've been using RTM and Todoist premium for a couple months. While they are OK (Todoist is better for my needs) Toodledo is still better. We'll see.

I have found an interesting quirk on the forums. I created a new account and that's the one my Plus was applied to. I've set it up the same as my original and went into forums from the drop down menu in top right screen corner. I came to this News forum and read your post but I can't make a reply under my new account. It says that only administrators (or something like that) can post in News. Yet here I am using my old Silver account and can do so. I'm not sure if there has to moderator verification or not but it's odd I had to go to my old account to post.

Posted: Aug 24, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I'm really tempted to get a subcription, but my silver account is good for another year but I really don't know how much time is toodledo going to last. It also bothers me why don't offer lifetime membership between current customer base first! looks like a fast money grab before shut down

Posted: Aug 24, 2019
Score: 3 Reference
It's a quick money grab, indeed. And it reeks of desperation.

Not surprising, either. I predicted this long ago. A service that has less name recognition than most competition, has an outdated interface, no modern workable mobile client or Apple Watch client, no Windows sync client or desktop app, yet is suddenly 2-3 times more expensive than its competitors. How would it do anything but scare off potential new users and drive away most of the old paying ones ? A few diehard old users willing to pay these prices aren't going to make up for these losses.

Greed and unrealistic expectations destroyed more than one product.

So, with this new "Lifetime" subscription drive, there's three possible outcomes:

1) They will keep the servers running for a few months / years without making any major changes to the program.

2) They will collect as many subscriptions as they can, then fold or sell to someone who may or may not keep the servers going or honor these lifetime subscriptions.

3) They will use the money to improve service, fix bugs, add mobile clients, and save Toodledo.

We'll see which way it goes... but this whole situation makes me really sad.

This message was edited Aug 24, 2019.

Posted: Aug 25, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
... this whole situation makes me really sad.

Makes me really sad, too.

I'll swing by the Crow Canyon address in the next week or so and will update here.

Posted: Aug 25, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
It's a quick money grab, indeed. And it reeks of desperation.

Not surprising, either. I predicted this long ago. A service that has less name recognition than most competition, has an outdated interface, no modern workable mobile client or Apple Watch client, no Windows sync client or desktop app, yet is suddenly 2-3 times more expensive than its competitors. How would it do anything but scare off potential new users and drive away most of the old paying ones ? A few diehard old users willing to pay these prices aren't going to make up for these losses.

Greed and unrealistic expectations destroyed more than one product.

So, with this new "Lifetime" subscription drive, there's three possible outcomes:

1) They will keep the servers running for a few months / years without making any major changes to the program.

2) They will collect as many subscriptions as they can, then fold or sell to someone who may or may not keep the servers going or honor these lifetime subscriptions.

3) They will use the money to improve service, fix bugs, add mobile clients, and save Toodledo.

We'll see which way it goes... but this whole situation makes me really sad.

I decided to risk the lifetime offer to give me some breathing room. I use a third party app (Task Angel) on my iOS devices and their Windows app (not the one through Windows store) so Toodledo's lack of app development doesn't bother me as much as it would others. That means I can use their backend service as long as it is up. I do use a couple backend features (notifications, integration with IFTTT).

I'm interested to see what happens to my Silver plan which expires Sep 8. Will it still work with IFTTT? I know it won't work with third party apps but I don't know if that includes third party services. Also, I think I remember reading that Toodledo will never have ads but I've seen some comments that there are ads on the Basic free level. Can anyone confirm? I had a free for setting up the lifetime account but didn't see any ads in the short time it was at the Basic level.

Posted: Aug 26, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Only 27 purchases... doesn't seem much

Posted: Aug 27, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
Stacksocial is offering the lifetime sub again... looks even more like a cash grab and run

This message was edited Aug 27, 2019.
Scott Florack

Posted: Aug 28, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I suspect that StackSocial either receives a certain number of licenses to sell or they allow the companies to relist their products. Either way, their "Sale Ends in X Days!" statements are just marketing tactics.
Dubious Virtue

Posted: Sep 19, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Found where I need to redeem my code :/

This message was edited Sep 19, 2019.

Posted: Sep 30, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Dubious Virtue:
Found where I need to redeem my code :/

Can I ask where you redeem this code? Anyone? I have the code, but when I click "Upgrade" it only pops up with the various plan options. Clicking Plus then asks for credit card info. Can't find where I'm actually supposed to type this code in...

Posted: Oct 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Same issue. Bought the Lifetime (actually 5 years) and would like to add the new license code number to existing account but cannot find where to enter it. Can someone supply step by step instructions on where to enter the code? Thanks!

Posted: Oct 01, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
I think it will only work on new or free accounts.

Posted: Oct 08, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
I have been Gold forever, but let it lapse September 12. So I was moved to free.
I will verify, I bought lifetime and was able to apply it to my many year old account.
But I was expired Gold on and on free plan.
It was a bit convoluted, but eventually worked.

Fingers Crossed, happy I waited.

This message was edited Oct 08, 2019.
Dave A

Posted: Oct 08, 2019
Score: 3 Reference
This is how I redeemed the code:

1) In my case, I created a StackSocial account using a gmail account I had lying around. Since I could not get the code to work with my regular Gold Toodledo account (which expires in 2 months), I created a new, free Toodledo account using the same gmail address as my new StackSocial account. Entering the StackSocial code within the free Toodledo account didn't work either.

2) I discovered that to redeem the code, you don't enter it into your Toodledo account, you need to click the 'Redeem Code' button on the StackSocial purchase page. When I did that, it automatically upgraded the free Toodledo account to Plus Subscription, which expires in 2024.

3) The button on StackSocial did not ask me to log in to Toodledo or confirm any account details. I just got an onscreen message that the code was successfully redeemed.

4) I don't know exactly why it upgraded my free account. It's possible I was already signed in to the free Toodledo account, or it may have cross-referenced the StackSocial account address with the Toodledo address and applied the code. I can't be sure what happened.

5) I wish I would have tried to be logged in to my original Gold account when I redeemed the code, because I really wanted to upgrade my existing account. Or made sure I was totally logged out of Toodledo. Maybe it would have asked me to log in or confirm my account details.

6) I ended up exporting all the account data for the Gold account and imported it into my new free (now Plus) account. There were warnings about some data that doesn't get exported, but it wasn't anything that affected me, so I didn't pay much attention to what it was.

I'm posting this in the hopes it helps someone else. And for the record, I purchased the StackSocial promo several weeks after it was first mentioned here. I bought it right before the promotion I was watching expired, and then saw the promotion was renewed again immediately after it ended.

*Edited to add: I'd love to hear if someone with a current paid account can purchase the promotion and upgrade their active paid account by clicking that Redeem Code button without having to jump through hoops creating a new free account and exporting/importing data like I did.

This message was edited Oct 08, 2019.
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