ForumsQuestionsLost Drop Down List of Folders
Lost Drop Down List of Folders
Author | Message |
Razzledays |
I have made a list of Folders and there was a drop down list as part of each task to designate a folder. Suddenly I have lost the dropdown and can no longer designate a folder. Even old Tasks lose their folder ID if I check on the X. I get a blank skinny drop down. I've tried rebooting and redisignating the criteria for the task entry. Any suggestions how to correct the glitch. I
Jake Toodledo Founder |
Let me look into this.
adam |
I see (or rather don't see) the same problem.
jvmccall |
The same thing has happened to me. See this - No folders show up!
Jake Toodledo Founder |
Ok, its fixed. Sorry about that. When we published the latest batch of updates, one file got updated incorrectly.
bpok |
I've lost both my Folders AND Contexts!!! Please help-- I'm also syncing Toodledo using iPad and Android's dgt gtd...Please help...
jvmccall |
Yes - it'w working now. Thank you!
Razzledays |
Thank you. I also seem to be missing the trashcan. maybe it is the same issue.
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