ForumsQuestionsDate format in Google plug ins

Date format in Google plug ins
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Posted: Oct 30, 2010
Score: 0 Reference
I see there is an old tread on date formats, but it doesn't seem to address this.

I have just started to use Toodledo and very pleased with it, but when adding a taxk in Google mail or calendar, the date format is M/D/Y. Google is set up to use D/M/Y and ToodleDo is set up to use D/M/Y.

I can't see anyway of telling the google plug in to use the D/M/Y format, and trying to juggle two different date format is impossible.

Am I missing the obvious?

Many thanks,


Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 01, 2010
Score: 0 Reference
This is a bug that we are still working on. Sorry.

Posted: Nov 01, 2010
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Toodledo:
This is a bug that we are still working on. Sorry.

Thanks for letting me know, at least it isn't just me missing something.

It is however, unfortunately a rather serious bug as I know from experience that trying to think in two different date formats can lead to great confusion.

I hope you get it sorted quckly.


Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 01, 2010
Score: 0 Reference
It might be easier for you to send the date has "Nov 12", which will always be interpreted correctly. 11/12/10 and 12/11/10 is more difficult for Toodledo to correctly figure out.

Posted: Nov 02, 2010
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Toodledo:
It might be easier for you to send the date has "Nov 12", which will always be interpreted correctly. 11/12/10 and 12/11/10 is more difficult for Toodledo to correctly figure out.

We may be talking about different things here.

If I right click and choose "toodledoo something' the dates in the spin boxes are MM/DD/YY, its these dates I was referring to, when I was talking about the Toodledo addin for Google.


Toodledo Founder
Posted: Nov 02, 2010
Score: 0 Reference
Oh, I understand now. Thanks for the clarification. We will look into this.

Posted: Nov 02, 2010
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by graham.smith:
We may be talking about different things here.

If I right click and choose "toodledoo something' the dates in the spin boxes are MM/DD/YY, its these dates I was referring to, when I was talking about the Toodledo addin for Google.

Sounds like you are talking about the Toodledo add-on for FireFox?

If so, mine is showing dd/mm/yyyy format.

Posted: Nov 02, 2010
Score: 0 Reference
That date format in ToodleDo add-on is taken from your System date format. As you are saying your google date format is already in dd/mm/yy, it means your system date should still be in mm/dd/yy. Is that the case? If yes, change the system date format and restart your machine.

This message was edited Nov 02, 2010.
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