
Search results for "Posted by josef_1335122153"
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Posted Nov 20, 2018 in: Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
Score: 1
i still have old deleted tasks, lying arround,
today i wanted to get a print out, not possible,
(still gold member, till Apr. 2019)
only way to download csv file, to get complete tasks.
in print function ( website ) only 1-2 of 50 pages not blank.

Well more and more problems, less functions, ..... still moved, will erase all data ( even old ones ) here today.

This message was edited Nov 20, 2018.

Posted Oct 25, 2018 in: New Privacy Policy: Advertisements
Score: 1
Revised price chart...
Revised privacy Policy....
more then one time...
and all that on running System....

Not very Pro

If i was a new customer and today when i look, is all the other way then yesterday.... well my trust in such a company ...
well would be not the highest

in other words, i would have an eye on an other service,
with that in mind, how long will toodledo stay stable that way

Posted Oct 24, 2018 in: Feature Roadmap and New Pricing Plans
Score: 1
Posted by pawelkaleta:
I'm observing all of this and here are my thoughts:

exakt what i see...
if u want to use toodledo more then shopping lists, there is hardly a way arround the high level subscription; (history etc. )
and thats to much for what i get , when looking to other services.
overall the price diskussion ( ? changing between this and that ) from the owner side looks not that professional as i thougt it could be.
With that in mind, my worries about the lasting of the toodledo service looks to become real.

Please, i don´t want to offense someone, no native english speaking here.

Posted Oct 20, 2018 in: Renewal
Score: 1
I just see a page where i can´t press renewal, showing the old prices...

well look´s like they don´t care for old users, or people who want to pay money...

gold user here, i will go to 50.-€ for gold not more... if nothing changes, just while i like toodledo.

but on my side it looks like the service will go down sooner or later.

when it doesnt get better the next days, i´m ready to get my data out and change to other services.

Just not sure where to go, this what i want: ( maybe german, or german hosted )

- Android App ( maybe 3rd party)
- Desktop (Windows)
- sorting, search over all and archive too
- Tags, Priority
- Due Date, Reminding
- maybe: context, status, location

Posted Oct 18, 2018 in: Dark theme
Score: 0
:-) sorry no native english speaking here..
Posted by josef_1335122153:
cant read anything only if marked

I don't understand what you mean by that.

means if i dont mark the text in subtasks, i only can see a white Line

again sorry for missunderstanding

Posted Oct 17, 2018 in: Dark theme
Score: 2
Hello, just tested...

The text background in subtasks is white, with white text....

cant read anything only if marked

only thing to see wrong so far

Score: 1
Hello, on my end, the Landing Page shows "lits" instead of "Lists"


Posted Jun 14, 2018 in: Reporting completed number of task
Score: 2
Hello GameChanger,

i do that via IFTTT,

it reports me daily or weekly, finished tasks

Score: 0
maybe will work,
go on Tags view on the left side,
all tags with numbers of tasks,
on the bottom all tasks without tags

Posted Apr 23, 2018 in: Hotlist
Score: 0
# shelbyp

you can always combine "AND" and "OR" if you want...

Posted Feb 07, 2018 in: Dividers
Score: 0
if you want use shortcuts, just type "Z" to open and close task details

i love shortcuts, also not my native language ( I´m german )

it´s worse to take a look at shortcuts, make TD more useful , for me

This message was edited Feb 07, 2018.